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New Scope, Short changed.


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My name is Dave, I've been a member here since Febuary this year, but have been an active observer on and off for at least the last 30+ years. So with retirement and a pension coming my way in April, I decided that I would treat myself to the scope I had often dreamed about.

So April arives, and having spent the previous 2 months researching what to buy and where to buy it, I set out, bundle of cash in grubby mitts, to accuire a Celestron AVX 925. A simple task you would expect, but no!!!!!!, nobody I contacted could supply me with one. I tried all through April, May came and went, as did June. But finally last Tuesday (15/7/2014) a couple of large boxes labeled Celestron arrived on my doorstep.

But here is where the title of this post comes in, I feel I have been short changed by my brand new Telescope. I had read on this forum that with any new telescope purchase you can expect at least 2 to 3 weeks of cloudy nights, to log on to the forum and have a dammed good moan about. But I got none of this, I have been set-up and observing on 2 nights this week already. Just my luck I suppose.

Living in Birmingham, I have to cope with pretty bad light pollution, but so far it hasn't been too bad, and when the darker winter nights come along then I might be OK. We have plans within the next year or so to move to rural Central France so when we do I will make sure we buy something where I can find dark sky's and clear nights.

But till then, my immeadiate plan is get some imaging gear and give that a go, but I may have to take it a bit slower though, or the Wife may confiscate my cards. But whatever I do I will continue to read the good advice availlable here on Stargazers Lounge, and of course chip in with any pearls of wisdom or opinions as I may see fit.

Till then, thanks for listening, and see you around.


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Hi Dave,

Congratulations on your retirement - may it be a long and happy one. Congratulations also on your new astronomical device, Celestron AVX 925. I hope you have lots of enjoyment from it. You say that your plan is to get some imaging gear. It may seem a banal point, but I would certainly advise you to read Steve Richards, Steppenwolf on here, book "Making every Photon Count". It will save you any amount of grief and expense.


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Hi Dave and welcome to SGL - A great scope there, I'm really impressed with mine! Imaging with this scope is quite challenging. I use mine for DSO imaging and at such a long focal length it really brings it's own issues to the table! If planetary is your bag, then the scope is perfect, DSO's not quite so.

Look forward to seeing you around :smiley:

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Great telescope and introduction but yes, you have indeed been short changed. To have a new telescope and no cloudy skies is not what you bought into and you have every right to feel as you do - I'd be furious to have missed out on the opportunity of not being able to use the new gear and thus being unable to moan about it.

The solution is clear, buy some more gear and hope that your luck changes.

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Welcome to SGL.

I too now have the AVX mounted 9.25, though I did not have to wait as long as you did.

The folk at Astronomia whi supplied mine said they had a number on back order as that they had a waiting list, it is a popular OTA.

I have a focal reducer which I originaly bought for my Nexstar 6SE, that will work with the 9.25 and give me a focal ration of F6.3 allowing me to photograph DSO as well as solar system target.

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