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Hey from Doncaster/Leeds!


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Hey everybody,

I'm a complete forum amateur, so you might have to bear with me. Say 'hey' if you fancy it though!

I do love astronomy but I'm definitely a beginner. I'm looking to join a local astronomy club (Doncaster) but it is a little bit daunting.

I'd also love to find friends with similar interests, especially locally. I'd love to chat to beginners so we can find ourselves astonished together! But also, I'd love to chat to people who will inspire and teach me!

I'm also very interested in meteorites. Again, I'm just a beginner but I'd love to speak to somebody who has a big interest in meteorites!

Well, you've listened to me rant! =]

I look forward to chatting with you.



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Hi Michelle and welcome to SGL - There's inspirational folks aplenty on here for all people in all fields of astronomy. Glad that you found us, you'll find like minded folks, all of who will help wherever possible. Remember, none of us were born astronomers, so if you have any questions then just ask.

Look forward to seeing you around :smiley:

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A big welcome to SGL all the way from at the moment sunny Bulgaria (not for long). I lived near by in Hull for many years and have never been to Doncaster, have I missed much? I used to shop in Leeds, liked the place a lot. Anyway I hope you join in on this fine site and enjoy all the various topics, it can be a bit of a worry at first.

Clear Skies,


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Hey everyone,

Thanks for such a warm and friendly welcome!

I lived near by in Hull for many years and have never been to Doncaster, have I missed much? I used to shop in Leeds, liked the place a lot.

I's funny how that's so close by and I've never really been to Hull either.

I wouldn't worry about not visiting Doncaster though, you haven't really missed out on much. But you're right about Leeds, I like it a lot too. The only downside of living in Leeds is the amount of light pollution you get from living in or near a city. But it is Yorkshire so there are some nice dark spots if you drive out a little.

What took you out to Bulgaria?



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Welcome from another beginner (Currently waiting on delivery of my new scope (was supposed to arrive on Wednesday, grr!)

I hate waiting when it's something exciting! Which one are you waiting for?

I recently bought my first telescope! (Told you I was a beginner! :smiley:) I bought the Celestron AstroMaster 130EQ but I'm yet to set it up and try it out. Waiting for a clear, dry night.

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I hate waiting when it's something exciting! Which one are you waiting for?

I recently bought my first telescope! (Told you I was a beginner! :smiley:) I bought the Celestron AstroMaster 130EQ but I'm yet to set it up and try it out. Waiting for a clear, dry night.

SkyWatcher Skyliner 150p. Been using a smaller National Geographic one I was given by a friend, but as you're aware, waiting for a clear night is the hardest part!

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Hello Michelle and a very warm welcome to SGL - we are all friends here so you have probably joined the biggest 'friends' group that you are ever likely to find!! And you don't need to be a beginner to be astonished and (I think I speak for most people here) that we are all regularly blown away whenever we look through a telescope. So welcome. you are indeed in good company!

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