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Everything posted by impactcrater

  1. Hi from a fellow Oz....wettest year on record...soooo over rain and dark skies! With astronomy the skies the limit!
  2. When I lived in Maidenhead I used to travel regularly to Oxford as it is a historic University town. It never had that 'jumping' feel of meeting others there. Perhaps you need to be in the University to meet friends. Or you may need to speak Morse Code!
  3. Thanks JT....the weather here has been a misery as you might well know....overcast and wet wet wet....wettest year on record and still some time to go. Jupiter is gorgeous at present and Saturn now high in the sky. I have see Uranus once and it was a pretty blue.
  4. I had a lovely view of Mercury a few years back after a media heads-up. It was just before sunset in summer in the south western sky. The sun is in the south here in summer. I looked at it thru my scope and was surprised how high it was and how big and bright it was. Mostly it is in the western sky at sunset and I do not have that view. I also was surprised to learn you can see Neptune so I will try for it when it is in the right spot for me. I am near Sydney Australia. Happy sky hunting!
  5. imagine no limits to what you can bring with you..
  6. What is the first thing you would do if you arrived at the ISS? It seems the most recent arrivals did domestic duties including cleaning the toilet! Personally, I would take that big glass jar that came out of the cupboard one night recently and landed on my right big toe and drop it and say: 'Nah! Nah! Nah! Gravity' (with apologies to Isaac). Being astronomers I'm sure you all have great thoughts.
  7. Are heavy Metals Deep Purple?
  8. Something cooked up by Rick Stein !
  9. Any reason why it's called the Soul nebula? It looks like a cavern...lovely 3D effects
  10. incredible!!!! I wonder if other Universes look like ours!
  11. it looks like something from Harry Potter...or is it Hairy Potter? very fine image
  12. Great detail...I am impressed by the amount of detail from the 127 which is the scope I have......we are so lucky to have this planet in our solar system.
  13. really lovely photo.....King of the Planets but pack your windcheater!
  14. As I stared the other day at a complete bright rainbow and its secondary one, I wondered if any other of our Planets/moons have rainbows? Any ideas?
  15. Slow launch date...Webb telescope or web telescope ? Perfect for Halloween...
  16. it sounds like a long orbital period...is the typical of doubles ?
  17. my wife is not keen as she thinks I will stay away too long. But on the plus cool - down times are quick !
  18. I am thinking about getting the James Webb as my next scope...Any thoughts?
  19. Windows 7 is more 'geeky' and you feel in control . And microsoft says 'the start menu is back'...who cares if you already have it on 7 ? windows 10 looks distracting to me..it doesn't have Elvis' sense of TCB !  And free forever ? Or getting us into a paid licence over time ? Let's face it...microsoft like any company wishes their product to be a means of making you buy things. Once the net was all 'geek' but now it is all commerce . Awful !

    There are some interesting net available reasons for not upgrading like ' ten reasons not to upgrade' . It sounds like windows will 'be watching you' in the 10 format .

  20. 'Strongman' finds "Dwarf Galaxy" ...it has a nice ring to it...

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