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Newcomers Feedback

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This is directed to all newcomers to Astronomy, with the aim of generally improving the 'service' that SGL gives you.

The Management Team are always looking to improve things on the forum i.e. make it easier for you to find information and make decisions. We see a huge range of questions being asked and hopefully, you get the help and advice you were looking for, and we thought it about time to find out your views on this process.

So, quite simply, what else could we do for you? How can we make it easier for you to get to the information you need? Or do you just have some general feedback?

We really do want to know, however, if you don't want to post your comments here, you can PM me (or any other Admin/Mod) directly.

Many thanks :rolleyes:

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In my very short time on this forum so far it's been awesome, all you have to do to get advice is just ask , There is always someone able to help in some way.. A very helpful forum indeed..

And lots of friendly people too...

Glad to be a part of it...

Regards Badgerjc....

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Hi Daz,

I joined the forum in November and since then have learned a lot about my new hobby thanks to the group (as I am not naturally gifted to find objects in the sky).

One of my problems has been to find an area/place where it is really dark. What would really help me and maybe others is if there would be a map (of the UK) indicating where there are specially good spots with no/very low light pollution. I live in Cheshire and although I think I know the area, I would find it very helpful to know, where best to place my telescope. This also could help to optimise travel plans for weekend trips.



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The Google Earth application has a light pollution overlay as standard now (Gallery -> NASA -> Earth City Lights). Its certainly not down to individual street level, but it does give a good overview of where the best/worst places are.

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This is a wonderful forum but perhaps some things to perhaps think about:

Beginner’s forum ... when does one stop being a beginner and become a amateur. Surely there will often be the case that one is a beginner at some part of it. For example I now have a scope but know nothing of filters, need some advice on webcam-ing? Etc.

More use of ‘stickies’ – Perhaps too the use of stickies (whatever they are called) might avoid the proliferation of the same few questions being asked over and over and over again. Eg:

Which scope should you buy?

What can you expect to see?

What software is available?

Useful astro sites

One of the problems for those new to this hobby is finding out about stuff after the event and whilst SGL has a monthly guide it’s a little out of date. So why not have a link to the BBC monthly guide (or other if there are better). This may promote users to contribute more.

However just keeping up the great work is great.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Hi. just thought i'd give you some feedback. I've only been on this forum for a couple of days and already i'm amazed at how good it is. Everyone is so understanding and patient.

I can't wait untill you guys teach me enough so i can offer advice of my own in the future!

A big thanks to everyone on the forum, and to the mods for upholding such a great forum! Thanks! :hello1: (That's surpose to be a round of applause...)

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Perhaps too the use of stickies (whatever they are called) might avoid the proliferation of the same few questions being asked over and over and over again

Heh, y'know the old SGL saying; 'the only stupid question is the one you didn't ask'? What few questions I ever asked were the sort I wish I hadn't :D Whenever I read something like one of my old ones asked by someone else - I feel a little better.

Glad to see so many new members enjoying it here 8)

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  • 3 weeks later...

i have to be honest i posted a similar question on another site and the advice was rude and quiet unhelpful, totally the oppisite to this site so far i have found the people here to be extremely polite and helpful. i hope to be a useful member here one day so i can pass down advice to people just starting out.

excellent site A+

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hello from timetraveller

hi my name is peter Struve i live in Swindon in wiltshire I have been interested in Astronomy and science for as long as i can remember not supprising i guess as i Come from quite a famouse family of pioneering Astronomers and Astrophysicists I myself am not a professional just a passionate amateur although i do have a degree in Earth science I look forward to many happy hours here on the forum and meeting all my fellow travellers in time and space

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey guys,

Fantastic site

I have only recently got into astronomy but I am doing Physics at high school and the whole idea of just, well everything, really mesmerizes me :shocked:

With some advice from Gaz and some other lovely people who have posted i am hopefully going to get my first scope soon :D


this may be a possibility for the site (or it may not). But a mobile version of it may be worthwhile?

I was off the computer earlier and accessed the site on my mobile phone but the pages were obviously quite large etc.

Just an idea but great job guys keep it up :(

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There are two things that have had a major impact on my enjoyment of this hobby - joining my local astronomy club and stumbling across this forum.

The club is great, it's such a boon to meet others into the same hobby - face to face.

This forum is wonderful - as a beginner it's just great to be able to ask questions without risk of ridicule - there are no trolls here!

I can honestly say there is nothing this forum and those that inhabit it could do that would make any improvement. The mods all do a great job, are fair and consistant. The humour gives me a chuckle. The knowledge simply oozes from every corner. There is a real enthusiasm for our hobby, and it's plain to see that everyone here wants everyone else to get the best they can out of astronomy. It's a really nurturing environment.

Just keep it like it is and it'll rightly keep on growing. :(

EDIT: Oh actually, I just thought of something. Can you sort the b$%£8y weather out? :D

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I dont post much, but I try to keep up to date. I am a complete beginner. Ive never managed to get myself out for a proper observing session yet. Like has been mentioned before, its difficult finding somewhere dark enough in the North East without traveling 40 minutes+ in a car. (I do get a fantasticly dark sky to the East, being on the coats, but there doesnt seem to be much there in spring . . . )

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As a newcomer who has only posted a couple of times I have no reason to beleive that I will not learn most that I need to know about astronomy from the members here, so far the members have been very forthcoming with advice and very friendly.

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really glad to have registered here.

its difficult to discuss this stuff with people in general without feeling like some kind of nerd (although i'm sure there's an element of that in all of us).

good to know so many other people are doing it too.

i still have a slight feeling of "sneaking around" in my own back garden after dark with binos (and now a telescope, although that's obviously less suited to sneaking), and a "whatever will the neighbours think?" type thing going on in my head.

be good to find out where people go to do some dark site observing.

i live in south beds.

a few places round here, i think, but again, i'm a bit selfconcious / nervy about setting my stuff up somewhere dark and isolated. anybody else get these reservations?

anyway, great forum!!

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