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  1. SteelRat

    Humble Gear

  2. Moon rises just to the north of Jupiter this evening.
  3. Moon is at first quarter phase.
  4. Leonid Meteor Shower Maximum (ZHR15-80+, favourable new moon on 16th)
  5. Leonids Start
  6. SteelRat

    New Moon

    New Moon
  7. SteelRat

    BST ends

    End of British Summer Time
  8. Moon rises to the north of Jupiter this evening.
  9. Moon is at first quarter phase.
  10. Orionids Meteor Shower Maximum (ZHR20-25, favourable)
  11. Conjunction: Venus and Saturn less than 1° apart, Mercury nearby (am)
  12. SteelRat

    New Moon

    New Moon
  13. Mercury at Greatest Western Elongation (am)
  14. Moon - Last Quarter
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