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M74 much improved.


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Well, I hope it is! This is with Yves and the 14 inch ODK. I added 5 hours of luminance in 30 minute subs in order to go deeper and have enough L signal for sharpening. We have a load of nasties in the imaging train, probably dust or pollen or dead mice, and the flats were having a job to keep up with them! I need to do a major clean but in another life I was building up another rig for our guests and didn't have time to do this job. Tomorrow I must get it done! The background sky was a dog's breakfast so I did some really dodgy things to sort it out.

Anyway, M74;


BIgger http://ollypenrice.s...3HRs web-X3.jpg


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Very nice Olly, perhaps its time for a clean? :)

I had something living inside my optical train until a couple of weeks ago (it was on the reducer). The only way I knew there was something in there was because I could see it crawl across the laptop screen when shooting flats! I always check the dew shield for spider webs before going out too, those little blighters get everywhere.

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  • 2 months later...

I can just about see, in the higher res version, some artefacts presumably through processing out  these problems  you've mentioned....but beautifully handled and a credit to your processing skills .....super image

Is there any reason for the off centred framing......start of a mosaic panel??

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If you add more data from another session, do you restack the whole lot?

And if you plan to add a different exposure length (ie 10 min to a set of 5 mins), do you stack that separately and add it as a layer in ie PS?

I'm wondering how I'd add 10min subs to my 11 hrs 5min sub data of M74.


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We have a load of nasties in the imaging train, probably ..... dead mice, and the flats were having a job to keep up with them!

Now that's something to suspect, haha :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:

Then again, if it were true, it wouldn't be that funny >_<

But, as for the topic, awsome image! :)

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