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Everything posted by MarkAR

  1. Excellent image, processing looks really good.
  2. Pretty good for a load of mush, colours showing up well. Hope you have better seeing next time.
  3. I agree, nice star reduction has brought forth the nebulosity.
  4. Superb rendition, lovely balance between light and dark.
  5. Processing is very much a gentle touch, more often numerous small tweaks rather than one whack with a hammer.
  6. Very nice Dave, got my last subs on the Wizard last night so hoping mine comes out as good.
  7. That's a decent start, yo can always get some 2min exposures and combine them with the 1 mins.
  8. Superb, I like the subtle differences.
  9. Very nice, good colours showing.
  10. Maybe a target like The Wizard could be good. Ha pretty strong, Oiii good and Sii faint.
  11. Might have to do some trial shots on a nebula if there's no markings.
  12. Excellent image Craig and a really good reprocess by @vlaiv.
  13. Wonderful, especially getting the squid showing up well.
  14. That's a lovely image, might be small but well processed.
  15. Lovely images, these are great examples.
  16. I'm afraid these are only excellent, shame seeing wasn't quite as good as last ones. Keep up the good work.
  17. You're better off apparently hooking up via the USB port to a hub and letting your computer control everything. That way you can use pulse guiding.
  18. Well done, much better that the first attempt.
  19. I've been mulling over the same thing with my 250P-DS. I find it too cumbersome to mount on my AZ-EQ6 so have been trying to find a ready made GOTO dob mount.
  20. Also you wont need autofocus, manual focus lenses save quite a bit of money. I would consider Samyang, Irix or Sigma lenses. You really don't need to go any wider than 14mm either
  21. Some good detail showing. I think there will always be more to learn and as for the next step I would consider a cooled dedicated camera. Using this https://astronomy.tools/calculators/ccd_suitability it looks like you are slightly oversampling. A camera with larger pixel size (6+ um) would be better for your scope.
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