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Everything posted by MarkAR

  1. If the 10" is anything like my 250P-DS then it's a real handful to mount. Also a bit of a wind catcher. I'd be tempted to say save up a bit and get a refractor secondhand.
  2. Looks good Steve, are you planning on adding more?
  3. Great start to NB. I like the first image but I think you can up the saturation a bit to bring up more colour. Second image is "Hulk Smash !", love it. looks really menacing and ominous.
  4. A good start, as said before, better tracking and longer exposures and you're on to a winner.
  5. Good set of images, some nice details and proms.
  6. Lovely image, that's the closest view of the Dumbbell I've seen. What equipment are you using?
  7. Very nice shot, looks like an open cluster at 10 O'clock.
  8. Excellent image, not an easy target by any means.
  9. A good set of images, couple of lovely prom captures.
  10. Clear browser history and cookies, might help a little but basically the older the system is and the more updates that get installed the slower it will run. My iMac often wont wake from sleep, still not sure if it's properly sorted.
  11. Try taking a couple more flats at the proper focus to see if the dust donuts are in the same place. If they are then take another set and try them for calibration.
  12. Much better definition. Well done.
  13. Just had a thought about the doughnuts, did your focus move when taking the flats ?
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