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maw lod qan

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Everything posted by maw lod qan

  1. Been reading almost everything I can find online about C/2019 q4. While reading some ideas of collecting particles left behind it, being we're not able to get anything out fast enough to get near it, the comments turned to the possibility of a comet striking the Earth. It was mentioned that the chance of a comet hitting us is very slim, that space is very big and matter is only a small percentage of space. Here's where I'm going with this. A person said there is thoughts that 12900 years ago, comets hit the Earth, resulting in "the flood", (yes, the Noah flood) and that there is a serious discussion going about it being a real possibility. Anyone here on SGL ever heard anything on this train of thought. Sorry, but the time line they're talking makes me think this is what we call hog wash!
  2. Not yet, but I will give that a try. Thanks for the replies.
  3. In the middle of the night, I woke thinking of the 6th possibility this might be. I couldn't go back to sleep! Necromongers!! Definitely a planet killer.😮 The comet always proceeds their coming! Please tell me we have a Furion warrior here at SGL. I'm watching The Chronicles of RIDDICK again now, hoping to get prepared.😁
  4. Hello and welcome. What part of Missouri? The wife is from St. Louis, moved down here decades ago to Fla. Still have a sister in law near Warsaw.
  5. Thanks for the info. I see a spec in my images, not when I look through the view finder. Saw it distinctly this morning while imaging the moon with a 1000mm lens. Move the moon around in the view finder and the spec stayed in the same place on the sensor.
  6. I'm sure I have a spec of trash on the sensor of my Canon SL1. Can I clean it? Or would it be better to take it to the pros at a shop? Now I'm thinking, it wouldn't register on the sensor, but it would block that area. Right?
  7. Beautiful! I was hoping but totally clouded out East and West. Tomorrow is a work day, so I'm giving up and going to sleep.
  8. Not only are the details on the planet and in the rings impressive but you've managed to get the shadow of the planet on the rings! I'll just clicking away with my Canon, and dream!
  9. Thanks for posting this information. Even though I consider myself an amateur amateur astronomer, I really enjoy the chance to increase my knowledge and so many here on the SGL give me that opportunity. The link was very interesting reading, and to my surprise I understood it.
  10. I've just recently viewed Jupiter and Saturn with the Sun disappearing just below the horizon, but I could see them. I had assumed to view Jupiter in the daylight. A GOTO was a must. Perhaps if I was better wit RA % DEC it would be possible to find it.
  11. Had to get some stamps at the post office, saw they had these. I had to get me a sheet to stick in the photo album.
  12. Very nice. The Moon was nice here till the thin clouds rolled in.
  13. Getting closer to the better season of late evening viewing versus early morning. Was alone yesterday so I went out as the sun was setting and found the Moon looking good. After a quick peek went in to grab my camera. By the time I got back out the high thin layer of clouds had moved over it. Much to my delight, even with the cloud Jupiter was decent, the main equatorial bands showing along with three moons grouped together to one side. I think it was the closest that was behind it. Then I saw Saturn was showing near the Moon. It too was clearer than I expected with the thin clouds. Was a nice time, except for the swarms of mosquitos.
  14. I watch AMSmeteor over here and sometimes a very large meteor is seen by many up and down Florida. The bigger, brighter ones lasting longer being the ones seen over a larger area. But a very good fireball, is something spectacular that sticks in your mind.
  15. Not really saving much each month but hoping for a good goto mount some day. Buy everything off Amazon and let their rewards build up. Should have it just about the time the next asteriod hits the Earth.
  16. Congrats on the X & V. Things have to work out right for you to hit the four hour window.
  17. Very nice! Once again I'm humbled by the artistic talent the members here show!!
  18. Yes, always been one for me as well and I too would like to at least capture it as a speck in at a widefield.
  19. Our Amazon deliveries are mostly done by the US postal service and they can be brutal on a package. Constantly putting my neighbors in my drive. Once I wondered why one of my trash cans was sitting off to the side upside down It had one of their packages under it!!
  20. Fantastic! I love the way the surface appears to be boiling. The power of a HUGE fusion reaction contained by nothing more than gravity!
  21. That's much easier on the wife than me yesterday. Honey, I know the doctor said you should get some exercise for your arthritis, but instead of me buying this above ground pool, I could have replaced my chainsaw. You'd get plenty of exercise! I got the look of death!
  22. I started clicking on them one by one and having looked at each in close detail I have to agree. Spectacular images!
  23. Great to see all of you getting some good skies finally. I have to admit, the enthusiasm I see in those with so much time and experience with astro to be amazing! 👍
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