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maw lod qan

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Everything posted by maw lod qan

  1. I second that recommendation! Got one for my wide field meteor shots, works like a champ on my Canon SL1.
  2. Thanks for the heads up. Was out with the mongrels at 2am this morning and thought for a moment I glimpsed a very faint one that would definitely have been an Orionid. With the bright moon, hard to be sure I had really seen it.
  3. I put in for time off for this event. With me only working 3 days a week, I used a couple extra vacation days to extend it all the way to the 17th/18th hoping for clear skies for the Leonids.
  4. Nice, really nice! When I see it up close, I am always totally blown away by the incredible carnage it has endured.
  5. An amazing image. Joining this forum and being able to see all the images the members post was one of the best things I've done.
  6. It's interesting reading the accounts of your cold weather. I would have to talk with someone who could remember the date better than me being I was less than 10, but the early to mid 60, was some of our freezes that wiped out all the citrus in the area around Orlando. It was never replanted, the industry moved more to the South.
  7. Everything combined together might lead to you having periods of not looking into the skies above us, but you haven't lost your touch! Excellent image again! When I dream of Saturn, its images like that I see in my dreams.
  8. There's nothing in the dark that's not there in the daylight, even the sun. You just cant see it.
  9. Over here, it seems senseless crime is on the rise, but I personally think it's the population growing and the more rapid reporting of things happening due to our new electronic savvy world.
  10. Thanks, you give me hope! I had wondered if my 8" would be enough with my simple Canon. Now to just get good enough at star hopping to locate the right place in the sky.
  11. Amazing. How many years could the energy released there, power our needs here on Earth?
  12. Same thing I thought the moment I saw the first photo of it.
  13. Your comment about beer making not being an impatient mans game reminds me of a wine maker on a forum who lived in Alaska. He said when the Sun disappears from the sky, your wine doesn't get much chance at aging.
  14. I enjoyed your report very much. But most of all your comment, a tracking mount would make it easier, but where's the fun in that! That's part of this hobby (obsession) that it takes a bit to grasp. There will be many times you walk inside completely frustrated, wondering why you even attempt this. Then when every thing falls in place, the thrill it gives you is indescribable!
  15. The plastic heat will trap heat beneath it if you leave it out during the day. You cant believe how rapidly it will wilt, then kill the grass beneath it. Would be some work and permanent but you could use concrete pavers. Some come 2ft by 2ft.
  16. Nice. I dont know about you, but every time I get to see the ISS pass over, it's such a thrill.
  17. Incredible! When I look at images like this, my mind goes into overload thinking what is out there we haven't seen yet. We live in an amazingly beautiful universe.
  18. Thanks for the kind words. I have to admit I feel like a young child running around with one of the cheap cameras attempting to take pictures when I see the incredible images here on the SGL. But I do enjoy everything I manage to do. The most important lesson I've learned is to always strive to get better, but be happy with yourself and what you do accomplish.
  19. I've been watching Luna growing smaller the past three mornings. Got out to get a quite small moon as the sky rapidly grew brighter from the Sun still below the horizon. A single image with my Canon SL1, prime focus.
  20. It would be nice here in the States. If they only reduced the lights on businesses that were closed at night, it would make a tremendous difference.
  21. Congratulations! A real feather in your cap!
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