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maw lod qan

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Everything posted by maw lod qan

  1. Wonderful! We've been clouded over for day after day! Much more than normal.
  2. I've learned over my years to appreciate what I get, and look ahead to the next thing that makes me smile.
  3. An incredible image! Well done. It does look like a TIE fighter, but just remember, astrophotography has been referred to as the "Dark Side". The force was with you.😁
  4. I had hoped to set the camera up last night but we've had an unusual switch in our weather. Instead of the winds being Easterly with the storms blowing over early afternoon, we're into a morning pattern with it coming from the West. Leaves clouds over us most if the night.
  5. The forces of nature are so incredible! I try to tell my grandchildren that if you can get past the "boom" a thunder storm is beautiful to watch.
  6. Dont know what might fit, but I had camera and lens rained on over night while shooting widefield. You could see water in the lens. Put it in a big plastic tub, put in a container of Damprid you'd put in a closet, then put the lid on the container. Let it set for a few days. Works perfectly now.
  7. Now I've got what you were meaning. Most of our beers are low proof. I've heard of the beer made for the soldiers in Vietnam being 2%, or just 4 proof. The term "proof" comes from the old practice of pouring a drink into black powder. It had to be over 80 proof or better to still let the powder flash, there by showing it's proof.
  8. Are we discussing percentage or proof?
  9. Microbrewing (and distilling) has become a big hit across the pond. A customer came in where I work last year, inquiring about an order he had placed with the grocery department manager. It was 400 40oz cans of pumpkin pie filling. I joked, what are you doing with all these pies? He laughed, I own a microbrewery and we're making a seasonal beer. Pumpkin!
  10. Oh, another man after my own heart! I made some wine for a while. Had a BlackBerry turn out fair. But lately, my tastebuds have changed. When my oldest grandsons asked Papa wa cha drinking? I reply, when they retired the Space Shuttles, they were left with lots of left over Rocket Fuel! 😎 Now, if I can figure out how to color it blue, I could call it Romulan Ale. Like Dr. McCoy told James T. Kirk, I use it only for medicinal purposes!
  11. Do you have programs like these on regularly? We've had a lit on PBS lately. I'm not sure if its just I'm catching it, or if there's more now than usual. Watched on at 3am this morning on the Rosetta comet mission.
  12. The interest a solar eclipse brings even now is amazing. I can remember us making pinhole projectors in elementary school in the 60's, but exactly what year I don't recall. I started planning for the one in '17 a year in advance. My first total. And I'm already planning for '24. I try to imagine what it had to feel like witnessing the Sun disappearing several thousands of years ago. It must have been quite frightening for the average person.
  13. After reading all the posts for an observing chair, I made one for using with my 8" dob. The difference being comfortable and relaxed is amazing! When I really saw the difference it made was viewing M31. After only seeing the core, I started getting more details of the wispy outer regions.
  14. I believe you deserve the title, AA! (Astronomical Artist) 👍
  15. I've even gone to an adapter for my Canon I can plug in to an extension cord.
  16. Times were so different. My uncle took me to see Apollo 7 and a very dear family friend to see Apollo 11. You could just find a good spot on the road side, pull over and watch it go. I actually believe we would now be on a section of the restricted road during a launch for Apollo 11. Watching across the Banana River.
  17. Wonderful! So nice catching a meteor with a constellation!
  18. This is from almost completely across the state. I'd guess 150 miles.
  19. Had to hurry, fight a couple anomalies, theirs and mine. Dance to keep the mosquitos at bay, but it was worth it. I'm certain the couple neighbors who drove past me wondered what is the village idiot up to now?
  20. I was checking on the upcoming launches, hoping to make a mad dash over to the Cape. Both SpaceX and Boeing have manned launches scheduled for this November. There is one set for tomorrow morning around 5:30 to 6:00 am. Dont know if I can work it out with our baby sitting a few more days before school.
  21. Back in the late 80's or early 90's I took my daughters and a couple friends to the Cape. I'm still digging for a couple I remember. If I remember right, I've got them standing.in front of the business end of the Saturn V.
  22. That's incredible. Makes you wonder what's out there we'll never see?
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