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maw lod qan

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Everything posted by maw lod qan

  1. I have my friends laughing with me putting in for vacation time in 2024. For the GAE I started planning 18 months ahead. It is one of the best days in my life, having SWMBO, my youngest daughter and grandson with me to see totality. I would like to see an annular but it will depend on the budget, so I'll just have to wait and see.
  2. I've been joking with my youngest grandchildren (boy 7 and girl 9) about getting a bag of coal. Told them, now the presents have been opened, the counter has officially turned back to zero, so they better be good or the coal could be next years gift!
  3. Another wonderful image of a sight I'll probably never see on my own. Thanks for sharing it.
  4. An incredible gesture. I'm certain they will enjoy such a wonderful gift.
  5. I would still be very satisfied with that image.
  6. I keep telling my kids our property will be beach front when that comes. We are 50 miles away right now, but only 40 feet vertically.
  7. Absolutely beautiful. I would love to see a single image of shorter duration to be able to compare with what I look up and see.
  8. I have noticed most of the newer street lamps and those in parking areas do point directly down and also don't protrude beneath the housing. Sadly they still take floodlights and illuminate the sides of many buildings with the lights pointing upward.
  9. Hello. Welcome from a neighbor a few miles South of you in central Manatee county.
  10. All that space history, I would have thought it would bring more. But I guess it depends on who is there that wants it.. You do have a very interesting job.😁
  11. I'm concerned they haven't got past the old mentality that has been a problem at NASA for so long. That does seem pretty evident with the planes that are grounded. What do you mean, there's a problem? Had to have been pilot error!
  12. You're so right. Needs to be a team effort with our thinking moving to exploring space, not conquering it. Sadly, the technology that comes from the advances in rockets and propulsion are also used in possible warfare, so the three big players, not meaning to belittle the handful of other countries reaching space, dont work well together.
  13. I've read a little about our push to get astronauts back in space without using the Russian bus. Its depressing that when the almost 7 billion got split up Musk got a third and Boeing two thirds. Now SpaceX is reusing boosters and seeming to really be on a roll, for a lot less money.
  14. Waiting for their news conference due in a few moments, but from what I understand the engine on the starliner capsule didnt fire to put it in an orbit to catch the ISS. Now it's in just a stable orbit, and they're working on the problem. Not going to be a good thing if they cant resolve this being SpaceX's next launch could be the one testing it with a crew.
  15. These are my thoughts as well. Seems almost every morning when I leave for work, I look up and say good morning to "the old man".
  16. Got out in my usual place for launches, the driveway, but low clouds kept me from seeing anything. 200 miles away where my #1 daughter lives she got this. She lives about 30 miles West of Gainesville.
  17. What's worse is the crazy fans who follow them!
  18. Wasn't as good as the last one I watched with this being an early evening, but still nice seeing it climbing up towards space. Those early morning shots with the sun below the horizon catching the contrail is really a sight.
  19. Oh, they would use most of the ticket book on me. 3am, there is usually little if no traffic on the rural road I travel. I enjoy driving and like the old rock song said, "I cant drive, 55!"
  20. Looking forward to the Friday night Saturday morning peak, I was disappointed to say the least with our 100% cloud cover. Hoping to catch at least a couple stragglers I set up my camera last night and crossed my fingers. While I stood there, cursing the LP from the one light my neighbor didnt sheild, I saw three sporadic meteors, two in my direct field of view and one in my peripheral vision. Better than nothing I td myself, giving thanks to the Gods of the night sky. This morning I had to work, so I brought my camera back in at 3am. During my 30 min drive to work, I look West all the way. There in the sky a meteor appeared! It was bold and quite brilliant, greenish blue, leaving no trail in its wake as it descended towards the Gulf of Mexico. I'm certain from its direction, it was a late Geminid. Not 5 minutes later, in the left of my vision another one very similar to the first appeared, speeding from near the zenith downward again toward the cold water waiting for it. If I couldn't lay back and look up for hours Friday night, this little treat was a just reward.
  21. Thanks, that brought a smile to my face as I listened to it. I'll have to let my youngest 2 grandchildren know about it.
  22. Going to work at 3am has its benefits. I've seen some incredible meteors, a couple that I'm certain hit in the Gulf of Mexico. One a few years back was fragmenting so much you would have thought it an aircraft breaking up.
  23. There must really be something about a meteor streaking across the night sky. Watch just how often you see one on television commercials and even many of the new animated movies, I wont call them cartoons anymore. Almost every time I'm lucky enough to just look up at the perfect moment, I say "thank you" out loud, even though I'm all alone!
  24. Excellent image. I've had some good chances here in Fla but with limited equipment take what I get and am happy with that. The season for Jupiter is over for a while. But in no time, we'll move back around and it will be there again, taunting us all.
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