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Everything posted by RT65CB-SWL

  1. As long as the eyepiece (4mm) and x3 barlow are 1.25" then "yes it will" - but it will be too much magnification with the 4mm e/p' & barlow combined. With the 10mm & barlow combined; it maybe doable. The higher the magnification, you start loose contrast and the finer details of the object you are viewing when focussed, which you is what you do not need. Aperture of the 'scope is king; not the focal length of the eyepiece. As a guide, 50x per inch/25mm of aperture of the 'scope is normally the sweet-spot. Not sure about the camera though... sorry! - most budget astro-cameras are equal to what you will see when viewing through the 'scope with your eyes and a 6mm e/p.
  2. G'day @johnno0015 and welcome to SGL. Having seen the solar eclipse of Wed 11th Aug '99 from Krapets, BG 🇧🇬 ...it would be one for the bucket list if I had unlimited supply of cash, (or my body parts to sell), to get me there... and back!
  3. Hi @Ultrachrome + girlfriend and welcome to SGL. You possibly saw more of the 'Space X Starlink constellation' of satellites. They are also unpopular here in GB/UK 🇬🇧 - many more too are planned for orbit - the sixth launch, (i.e. Starlink 5), was on/or around Wednesday 18th March 2020. This is a good resource---> https://heavens-above.com/main.aspx - if you or your girlfriend have an Android OS phone or tablet; there is free or paid app you can download too.
  4. Concorde (reg: G-BOAB), Moon & Venus from a staff car park at LHR near the end of RWY27L tonight before I departed for home. Apologise for the poor quality... weather: cloudy with light rain/drizzle... wind: 9mph / 14.5kph... temp: 5deg C / 41deg F.
  5. Hi @William Productions and welcome to SGL. Many astro-imagers have a copy of 'Make Every Photon Count'. The mount is one of the, if not, the most important parts of any astro-imaging setup. Coloured 'wratten' filters can be obtained for a few £'s / $'s and are mainly used for planetary imaging. You could try a Contrast Booster or Neodymium to begin with. For serious deep sky, you will need: RGB, LRGB, Olll, UHC, S2, etc., filter specific wavelengths and can these be expensive. For this time of year Virgo is rich in DSO's and has eleven messier objects. link below... https://www.constellation-guide.com/constellation-list/virgo-constellation/
  6. I will have to find out what 'copy number' mine is.
  7. I have a feline feeling this topic has deviated from catadioptric telescopes; to things that go "meow!" - nice portrait of Smegul by @xtreemchaos
  8. Hi @MrGuGuZai and welcome to SGL. If the 'scope is new and under guarantee/warranty; my first action would be to contact by phone or email from where you purchased it. If they are legitimate, it becomes the sellers responsibility to rectify the problem. Here in GB/UK 🇬🇧, there is the 'Sale of Goods Act 1979' & 'Consumer Rights Act 2015', which offers protection for both seller and consumer when things do go wrong, etc. A summary of Sale of Goods Act 1979' & 'Consumer Rights Act 2015' is shown in the link below. Depending on where you live, your consumer laws may be different. As a disclaimer; I am not a legal eagle or employed in the legal profession. I am just doing my bit to assist you in offering some friendly and helpful advice. https://www.which.co.uk/consumer-rights/regulation/sale-of-goods-act#what-is-the-sale-of-goods-act
  9. The site is up... but they now ship from Sweeden. 🇸🇪 All I can say say is keep trying. Out of courtesy someone should return phone call/reply to email. It has happened to me a few times.
  10. Only problem is... if more than two people in a group at a time the police may take action. Apologies for being negative.
  11. Keep us updated once they have been overhauled/restored. GB/UK 🇬🇧 variations of the word: stonking - amazing, awesome, considerable, excellent, powerful,... the Dictionary of Contemporary Slang defines the word as an all-purpose intensifying adjective.
  12. Hi @Dr Strange and welcome to SGL.
  13. Hi @Dan13 and welcome to SGL.
  14. Hi @Wyvernp and welcome to SGL.
  15. Hi @Aljouri and welcom to SGL. As mentioned by @laudropb stick with what you have for the time being to learn the 'scope. I own a Meade ETX105, (and 're-modded'), as per image below. I use mostly Plossl's with it. I have few wide angle e/p's too... i.e. TeleVue 6mm Radian & 13mm Nagler, Meade 8.8mm UWA series 4000. Depending on your budget you could try BST Starguiders or Seben 8-24mm zoom.
  16. Very nice crescents you both have imaged guys.
  17. I admit it. I tend to be a cheapskate when it comes to software purchases. GIMP and OpenOffice.org (and/or LibreOffice) are usually the first apps I download on my MS-Windows PC's/laptops. I was 'introduced' to GIMP and OpenOffice.org via Linux distro's (Fedora Core 1 and Mandrake 9.x) many years ago and have not looked back since. I also have the MacOS X versions of the above apps; plus Stellarium and Celestia (again they are/were all free) on my Apple iBook G4.
  18. Hi @AJD_OFFICIAL and welcome to SGL.
  19. I think you have made a wise choice in going for the Baader zoom. It is not as heavy as it looks. I tried one a few weeks ago. Once you have found the sweet spot, then you can purchase an eyepiece of a fixed focal length to what you need. Also a plus for having a zoom for public out reach, (when we can get out and about again after curfews/lockdowns have been lifted), and if you have a lot of other astro accessories and want to travel light.
  20. Agree with @John about the Baader zoom. I don't actually own the Baader; but I have tried it, (i.e. the mklll), and surprised me how lightweight it was even with the 1.25"-2" nosepiece adaptor attached. I currently have two zooms. One is the TeleVue Nagler 3-6mm and the other one is an unbranded 7-21mm via astroboot.
  21. Hi @Dayer and welcome to SGL. What camera is it? - Can you do multiple images with your camera and then stack them with stacking software? Below is an image of Mars from April 2014 using a C6/SCT, 6mm Radian e/p + Neodymium filter and a 2.1 mega-pixel digital-compact camera, (handheld over the eyepiece), from a hotel garden near LHR. At the time Mars was having a dust storm, but if you look carefully, (preferably in a darkened enviroment), you should see some detail of the Martian surface. It is one shot, no stacking, enhancement, etc. You could try a 5x Barlow --->https://www.astroboot.co.uk/AstroBoot/telescope-and-astronomy-stuff.html?highlight=AB9534#AB9534 and see if that improves things.
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