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Everything posted by RT65CB-SWL

  1. I have the 6mm... I purchased mine from a popular auction site; (via China 🇨🇳); and is not to bad; (I think it is better than my 6mm GSO Plossl, but not as good as my 6mm TeleVue Radian or 6mm Ortho's); and I received it within two weeks of ordering.
  2. A few years back I did a 'swap'. My 3-6mm for the 2-4mm, for a few weeks from a member of my local astro. society/club. The member used his 2-4mm with the TV60. We did the 'swap' to see which was the better one! - I tried the 2-4mm in my TV Ranger. It was good, but not as good as the 3-6mm in my opinion. I am not a zoom e/p advocate; but the 3-6mm ticks the boxes. I am contemplating the Baader mklll or mklV 'zoom kit' as my next major purchase. I have a cheap/unbranded 7-21mm and a cheap/unbranded 18mm WA e/p that were purchased from AstroBoot. I mainly use these when I travel light or 'white-light' solar observing with a solar wedge in the TV Ranger.
  3. I just had a 'flashback' of BBC-TV Play School (1964-1988). "Let's take a look through the..." "...arched window" ..."round window" ..."square window" In 2002 a new series and a diamond window was added.
  4. Crikey! have they been out that long? - I will have to take my 3-6mm to the next Antiques Road Show for a valuation. I must have been one of the first in GB/UK to buy one. I remember doing a split-payment to Venturescope. The proprietor was very understanding when I made payment, (I do not think the 'bank manger' at the time was impressed; i.e. my girlfriend at the time; as she had no interest in astronomy whatsoever or little else, apart from me paying her utility bills). Fortunately she was not with me when I did pay for it. Seriously, they are tight on eye-relief, a bit like my 6mm Ortho's. The views are are tack sharp throughout the 3-6mm range, though I do get the odd reflection depending on eye placement. I have not had any issues of mine freezing up when changing the focal length, as the CN reviewer says his does when cold. It is one of the the few eyepieces in my astro-kit that is not secondhand.
  5. @Nikodn and welcome to SGL. +1 one for the above comments. I occasionally mount my 're-modded' ETX105 on a medium-duty ballhead, (mine is the type that has a separate mounting plate, similar to the Arco-Swiss type), and a Manfrotto/Boden camera/photography tripod. It is very cheap and inexpensive alt-az mount. Just make sure the 'scope is secure to the mounting plate before each and every use.
  6. Hi @AstroInvestigator and welcome to SGL.
  7. If you can get your hands on a used/secondhand Android OS 'phone or tablet; there is a nice small app called 'Skywheel' on the Google Play store. It only deals with the solar system targets, so no constellations visible. If you are feeling a little adventurous; the same developer has released 'Mars Sky' so you can view the solar system targets from a few Martian locations. The best part is they are small downloads and they are free. Both apps are not available for the iOS platform. Another 'fun' app is 'Constellation' - a quiz app to see if you can recognise the 88 IAU recognised constellations. Many other popular astronomy apps, (free or paid), are available for Android and iOS.
  8. Yes! - they do include a 2"-1.25" reducer so you can use 1.25" e/ps's and accessories. I will PM you a larger image of the one I included in my earlier reply.
  9. Using a 2" SCT star diagonal can make a difference too. That is what is shown in the image of my first reply; especially with TeleVue Nagler e/p's, (I am not bragging, but I have the 13mm 'type 1 & 6'), though you will need to get one of these adapter rings, (image below), to use SCT accessories and screw it on to the rear threaded port. <--- This particular one is from www.scopestuff.com As mine is a Meade ETX105, it is a different design, (though the principle remains the same), and it enables me to attach and use my other SCT accessories. As others have said; I too do not use a Barlow lens. That said; I may try it, with just a 1.25" nosepiece adapter attached to a T-ring and DSLR or digital compact camera. I also have a 1.6x magnifier which screws in to the e/p nosepiece barrel to give a bit more power.
  10. I have just seen on the news channel, (via my iPhone), that the Chinese rocket 'Long March 5B' made an uncontrolled re-entry; missing New York by several minutes before finally crashing on or near to Ivory Coast/Côte d'Ivoire. ...or Royal Mail and courier companies trialling safe distancing deliveries of your mail and parcels.
  11. I completely forgot about the cooling. I leave my ETX105 for about 30-60 minutes, (eyepiece end up to the sky), before putting in an eyepiece before viewing, (i.e. leave the end caps off so the internal heat inside the tube can escape). I just pray 🙏 that I don't have bats flying overhead with an IBDM... (irritable bowel disorder movement) 🦇💩 ...not to be confused with an ICBM 😱
  12. I cannot remember why... I think it was used when the ancient astronomers used time as a unit of measure and it stuck. 360 degrees in a circle 3600 seconds in one hour or one degree of arc. There are telescopes called 'Meridian Scope'. These are 'fixed' in RA, but 'free' to move in DEC only. Therefore when an object crosses a pre-defined point, let's say 18:12:49, that is its recorded RA position. The height of the object above the horizon is measured in degrees & seconds of arc. (sorry, but I got distracted by the 'phone earlier and had to go out and get something for someone). This may help: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right_ascension or this: https://www.astronomynotes.com/nakedeye/s6.htm - plus there are other sites which give the explanation too. Time for me to swat up on this too... I think!
  13. Hi @JOHN BENNETT and welcome to SGL. I agree with @Ags has said above; although my small Mak is a 're-modded' ETX105; (image below)... The smallest eyepiece I use is a TeleVue 6mm Radian or Circle-T 6mm Ortho. At a pinch, I can get away with the TeleVue 3-6mm Nagler zoom at 3mm, but only if the sky conditions will allow it, (i.e. no bubbling of the atmosphere), otherwise that stays at 6mm too. I have and use an unbranded 6mm LER/UWA. I have a tried a Revalation Astro 6mm Plossl and I found this to be a bit of a let down, due to tight eye-relief. Below is the apparent field of view [AFOV] for each of the eyepieces: eyepiece: AFOV: Radian 60deg Ortho 45deg Nagler zoom 50deg LER/UWA 66deg Plossl 50deg I also use the eyepieces as per my signature with the ETX.
  14. I tend to agree with you @Second Time Around. The Baader zoom is one of the 'better' 8-24mm zoom e/p's that are available. I am contemplating in purchasing the 'complete outfit'.
  15. Does the focusser move 'in' and 'out' OK? ...is it a 'rack & pinion' type?
  16. Thank you. The FF/FR is Celestron and the star diagonal is Altair Astro, with SCT coupling, not 2" pushfit. Yes. That is the type. Not sure though if my DSLR's, [Nikon D40x & D80], have it. I will re-read the manuals.
  17. Is the finderscope aligned with the OTA? If "Yes!" try an object far away, i.e. radio/TV mast, wind turbine, etc., ...not at something in your or neighbours garden,. Start with your lowest power e/p, (the one with the bigger number), and then put in another e/p until you get the same view in both, (i.e. finderscope and OTA). If your e/p's are not parfocal, you will need to adjust the focus accordingly every time you swap them. Do not use a Barlow lens at this point until you are satisfied all is aligned perfectly.
  18. Hi @Jennifere20 and welcome to SGL. Looking at the image, it looks OK to me. You may find that you can only go so far before the RA & DEC grinds to a stop. This is normal for small EQ mounts; so you will need to undo the locking bolts and redo every few turns of the slo-mo's. It is or can be frustrating for newbies. Do not go past this point; otherwise you may cause damage to the gears or other part of the RA & DEC mechanics.
  19. OK so 'brag' maybe a bit harsh a word to use; so I will take it back and would like to take this opportunity to apologise. By all means do give credit and thanks to acmescopes [and others involved]. My reply to the topic was to say that you can make something work on a limited budget.
  20. Pink Bunny... sorry, I meant Roger Rabbit drunk in R. K. Maroon's office.
  21. Hi @PhotoGav. You also have captured 'something travelling north-west to south-east as well - just after 3:11:xx, (sorry! could not catch the seconds).
  22. Hi @Apprentice and welcome to SGL.
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