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Everything posted by RT65CB-SWL

  1. What I like about your videos @rorymultistorey / astrobiscuit / Rory; you don't talk 🐮💩 [bull$4!t] and your equipment, (like mine is sourced secondhand or other - my 'scopes and eighty per-cent of my other equipment has been secondhand or other and I am content with that). You are passionate about the hobby and pushing it to the limits of what is feasible on a given budget. You don't brag that acmescopes has kindly sent me; this piece of equipment to review/play with etc., like some do. You speak for the majority of the people that are employed, unemployed, furloughed, retired, other, etc., that want to pursue a hobby without the debt. I just want to say "THANK YOU!" from the majority that share the same hobby as you and I do and cannot afford to spend £000's Keep the making videos mate! ...and "don't let the buggers get you down!" is what my late grand-father would say to me when things get tough.
  2. Another Sky-Watcher; (or clone); aluminium EQ3/2 tripod via AstroBoot for my Giro and AYO mounts. The new one is on the left shown with the AYO alt-az mount and Astro Essentials mini Vixen dovetail clamp. <--- War of the Worlds tripods and alt-az mounts.
  3. Hi guys & girls, As per the title. I am asking for some advice on... ...which way round do I fit them if used at the same time with my C6/SCT and/or 're-modded' ETX105? ...or should I just 'shoot' straight through, (i.e. forget the star diagonal), either with a DSLR or digtal compact camera? ..or would purchasing a 90deg viewfinder for the DSLR be the better option? ...(if "yes!" what magnification. I was thinking of 2.5x-3x). ...as I would like to try a few 'basic' lunar or planetary images. tnx in adv.
  4. Hi @Rob Smit and welome to SGL.
  5. Bring it on guys... it's gonna be awsome!
  6. Thank you for your reply and clarification. I will stick to my artificial star and/or laser.
  7. Hi @RichardK and welcome to SGL.
  8. Can they be used with catadioptics as well? It says on TS-Optics "...for Newtonian telescopes..."
  9. You could try a collimation cap - depending on where you are FLO, (SGL sponser), sells the 'Rigel' branded one for £5.40 GBP + P&P (link below)... https://www.firstlightoptics.com/other-collimation-tools/rigel-aline-collimation-cap.html
  10. My second 'scope was the Prinz Astral 500 from Dixons. The supplied 4mm e/p in that was pretty bad too. I think it was an SR4. My only upgrades that I did to that setup/rig was: change the bulb to a red LED on the tray. purchase a secondhand 0.965" Ortho; (image below, shown with a 1.25" adapter); and I still have it and use it.
  11. RT65CB-SWL

    The Weather

    Hi @EdG and welcome to SGL.
  12. Have you collimated your laser? ...if 'yes' they need to be collimated too! ...especially the cheaper branded ones. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bE09_X43UUQ Also cheap 'Bird-Jones' type of 'scopes can be 'hit or miss' to collimate.
  13. Tele-Optic Giro Mkll or AOK-AYO Mkll... I have one of each, (both manual). You just need to add a weight to the other arm if not in use, for smooth alt-az movement in both axes.
  14. Read this first --->https://www.firstlightoptics.com/beginner-telescopes.html A few questions... What is your budget? What do you intend to view? Are for fit and healthy? - some 'scopes can be bulky and you may find it difficult to move/setup by one person. Where are you going to store the 'scope when not in use?
  15. I would be a bit cautious if you use your tripod centre column extended with a 'scope attached; especially in the dark.
  16. They, (and Venus), never fail to impress. I always get a quote: "...big WOW moment..." too... especially Saturn.
  17. Hi @MylesGibson and welcome to SGL.
  18. Another in agreement with @John. I admit it... I used to own something similar. It was the shortest owned 'scope I have ever owned and used. I gave it away for 'free' to a neighbours son. I had got more enjoyment from using a 40mm/40x Tasco refractor.
  19. Bonjour @deufrai/Fred. (I am going to make this intro snappy)... ...welcome to SGL.
  20. He is a.k.a. @rorymultistorey on here, i.e. SGL.
  21. "No flies on him!" - as the saying goes ...and his images.
  22. Hi @TimeScorpion7 and welcome to SGL. Are your eyepieces of the same brand? Some brands are 'parfocal' meaning you should not need additional twist on the focusser to bring in to sharp focus. Don't assume that you have sharp focus with one eyepiece, the others are going to be in focus as well. I have a modest collection and I make a few minor +/- twists of the focusser to bring the object in to sharp focus with each, even it is of the same brand.
  23. I have been following this with great interest and reading the replies. Looks like you have done an excellent restoration... classic 'old skool'
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