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Everything posted by Dr_Ju_ju

  1. Won't you also need a lid to go with it ?? especially for mounting some form of heatsink\fan ? Also what material do you want it printed in PLA\ABS\PetG etc. and the 'quality' of print required ?
  2. Are those "reasonably round stars" in the same place within the frame? if not, then guiding should ensure they are, as well as getting round stars...
  3. A quick way to re-condition the desiccant tablets is to zap them in a microwave oven for bursts of 2\3 minutes.....
  4. An easier starting\learning\cheaper camera setup, would be to use a DSLR that has 'bulb' capability (for long exposure). These can be picked up reasonably cheaply on here, eBay etc.... or from Juan at Cheap Astrophotography (https://cheapastrophotography.vpweb.co.uk/Available-Cameras.html) It does not have to be Astro modified, but you getter a better red response if it is. I'm currently using 2 modded Canons', a 600D & 1100D, both with 'standard' lenses, but I can also fit them to telescopes as needed.
  5. Sorry no, I just have an EQ3 & AZ EQ6.....
  6. Look for StarTech.com ST7300USBME 7-Port Industrial USB 3.0 Hub with ESD and 350 W Surge Protection
  7. NO you do not need a 'proper' EQMod cable, you just need a USB to serial adaptor, that gives the correct signal voltages. IF the one linked gives the appropriate voltage signals for your mount, then it will work fine...... I use these, (https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/FTDI-FT232RL-USB-to-Serial-adapt-module-USB-TO-TTL-RS232-Arduino-Cable-6PinMX1F/273990798997?_trkparms=ispr%3D1&hash=item3fcb1fce95:g:0aEAAOSwv-NWYE0M) just need to replace the cable or terminate with an RJ45 connector, wired appropriately.
  8. I'm in a field in Galloway, @ the star party, & trying to use the Sun as a focusing aid (the farthest thing away before the 'real' stars), but it's a case of running backwards and forwards dodging the rain showers.....
  9. Grey & overcast, but not raining, so I may get a chance to setup scopes, especially as it promises to be better later.....
  10. pahh, its stopped raining but overcast, i.e. standard Scottish....
  11. Quick update on weather ------ its raining, but as Metcheck has been spot on so far, then I'd recommend those non-sissies using tents, to arrive Sunday mid morning, giving the ground time to dry out a bit.... My source of info https://www.metcheck.com/HOBBIES/astronomy_forecast.asp?zipcode=DG8&locationID=58742&lat=54.9&lon=-4.5 but Leslies phone app is more optimistic... But I'll keep you all posted
  12. Well I got here yesterday late morning, driving non-stop from Surrey @ 01:00. It was lovely & sunny, with just some light dew on the grass. After setting up accommodation, i.e. tent & awnings etc, and have something to eat & a libation or 3, I was sooo knackered, I zonked out for a few hours..... …… and was pleasantly surprised, when I came round @ 03:00, to find that the rain clouds had departed leaving a stunningly clear sky. Unfortunately, I hadn't unpacked the mounts & scopes etc., so it was just a simple eyeball of the sky, till the cold got to me & I went back for a few more hours kip. Waking @ 09:00, the clouds have returned, as forecast, but it didn't start raining (quite heavily) till midday, but that gave me a chance for some shopping in NS, in the dry.... Currently setting up all the gear, apart from putting outside till the heavens clear... All have a safe trip(s) & I'll see you all then...
  13. It was just the poles, which I've since replaced with carbon fibre ones...…. also using the hedge as a windbreak, instead of 'sticking out' will be better.... just trying to decide whether to leave a gap between hedge\tent for the business tools, but that then leaves a bigger trip hazard for Adrian
  14. The lights of the M25 will mask it.....
  15. Do what I do, ignore all media (except a few well chosen websites), i.e. NO Television, NO Radio & NO Newspapers.... The world may well be coming to a premature end, but I'll not know about it....
  16. I'm just packing up the trailer etc., so hopefully will get to site Thursday\Friday, & looking forward to Sunday\Monday\Tuesday nights' projected clear skies (for now).....
  17. I don't have an LX200, but an initial thought, are all the various dates\clocks the same ?? as that usually screws things up....
  18. Wouldn't rotating the focuser control assembly throw out the collimation ??
  19. From what I see, neither, follow the steps here https://www.indilib.org/download/osx.html
  20. In many respects the underlying core operating system hasn't changed in years, just the way the hardware is handled (to take account of changes & developments) and the veneer over the top. I'll quite happily use Win 10 \ Server 2019 over earlier versions, with the proviso that I disable all the 'helper' & call home apps \ junk e.g. dump Cortana \ Xbox crap etc. If you've not tried it, it may be worth running a Linux\Indi\Kstars system... Yes it is different (the way of working is more like Win 7) and unfortunately not all Apps run on the OS, but things are getting better....
  21. You may well be an eager beaver, but don't rush anything, slow & sure is the best way......
  22. Do you actually need to rotate the focuser, when what you want to do, can be done in post processing, i.e. rotate the image ? I've considered fitting a rotator to my ED80, Auduino\Stepper motor based, but I wouldn't fit one to a Newt, as you'd be rotating the whole tube assembly ??, throwing out all the balancing etc....
  23. If you want to drill & tap it, for mounting the box, then I'd recommend 2.5 - 3.0 mm x 50mm wide (to aid rigidity)
  24. If you have any Paddock electrical tape, that wrapped in an insulating cloth & suitably terminated, will probably do what your after....
  25. If the hardware is that old, then I wouldn't bother updating, as I suspect Win 10 will get upset & screw up the install & run very badly..... If you need Windows, on that hardware, then virtualise it & run it as a virtual under Linux.
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