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Everything posted by Dr_Ju_ju

  1. How about Neoprene sheet, cuts easily, but don't know if you can get it deep enough ? but I suppose multiple sheets stuck together.....
  2. Where have you configured them to be saved ? if its outside of your local profile, windows security maybe stopping the 'saves'. Try configuring the system to save to your desktop.
  3. If you're Plate-Solving, then don't use them, as they can cause issues with the system 'hunting' for the correct position ...
  4. I just re-vitalized mine, by popping them into a microwave oven for short bursts 1~2 mins @ full blast.....
  5. The way I did it, was to loosen the screws around the edge, then invert the camera, i.e. sensor down, then release the screws, where the front plate will drop down. I then laid the camera to dry out, sensor down, onto some grease proof paper, which has less fibres to get attracted by static. But on inspection you may have to clean the sensor surface, I did, and then used Baader Wonder Fluid\cloth, both applied very sparingly & exceedingly gently.
  6. It looks like a generic EQ3\5 Skywatcher\Celestron ( https://www.firstlightoptics.com/skywatcher-mounts.html \ https://www.firstlightoptics.com/celestron-mounts.html ), but I don't believe its either of those. And it looks like it's had a few mods, e.g. larger clamp bolt & illuminated polar scope, but it's missing the manual control cables ?
  7. my ASI 1600 had both the internal & external port, but note that the tablets are not interchangeable between the internal & external, which are deeper, which I found out after mine iced-up.
  8. Your better bet would be to ask on the Indi forum i.e. https://www.indilib.org/forum.html
  9. You may have 2 separate 'looms', but have you left enough slack to ensure that there is free movement all around. I also used to use spiral wrap, but found it a pain when changing things around. I now just use the cables bound together with small Velcro ty-wraps.
  10. like the ASI1600, does it have the 4 internal 'tablets' ??, if so they may need drying out....
  11. That's it, blame someone else...…
  12. Why do you need clothing !!, go au-naturel, especially as your living somewhere a lot warmer that the UK. 2 pairs of Tee-Shirt \ Shorts should be all you need.....
  13. Yes, disable the Windows Update service... you may then get other nags prompting you to re-enable it..... Personally I prefer to manage the updates & ensure that any re-boots happen during day-light hours
  14. What is the sparks providing for the £460 ?? but doesn't sound too excessive, but then I just do all my own, as required.
  15. I can never understand why peeps think that wifi is safe\secure\reliable, as I have tools, designed for the security industry, that can crack them open in minutes..... For me wifi devices are the unsafe toys like android\crapple pads phones etc....
  16. If you've only just updated to 1903, then there are a few biggies yet to land on your PC......
  17. Do you actually need all those LED's, especially if you will be remotely controlling the system.....
  18. For flexible\robust cables, I go for rubber sheathed i.e. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Rubber-Cable-2-3-core-1-5-2-5mm-HO7RN-F-Heavy-Duty-Camping-Pond-Outdoor/121930939175
  19. probably a little late now, but adding some PVA adhesive to the mix will aid in stiction to the blocks etc....
  20. …. and that's why RI is getting out of the filament business, as BASF\Dow etc. are getting into the market, thereby cutting out the smaller producer etc....
  21. Yep, but it doesn't surprise me as although they make\made good filament, it was always more expensive than some of the other 'better' makes e.g. Prusa (even with the shipping costs)…..
  22. If you've installed the full EQMod system (https://sourceforge.net/projects/eq-mod/files/EQASCOM/ v200q), then one of the applications available is the EQAscom Toolbox, i.e. Clicking on "Driver Setup" will show the configuration page as per the image above. If you then click on "Ascom Connect" and you've selected the correct COM port, you should then get: If not working you'll get a "No Connection" error.....
  23. Have you set the port in the EQMod\Ascom setup i.e.
  24. If you have one, the proverbial airing cupboard, where its dry & warm, usually does the trick...
  25. You'll never know unless you try it.....
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