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Everything posted by Dr_Ju_ju

  1. I'm not sure about that as the Devs are busy rolling out test updates to 3.1, which is currently on v245......
  2. Why not lose the handset & drive the mount directly ??
  3. Instead of a single box, I use two boxes, one with the main controller board, and a second, that houses the display and in-out buttons, with an RJ45 lead\connectors joining the two boxes. This arrangement allows me to have multiple controllers, but a single 'manual-control' box, that can moved around as required.
  4. Marv, I'm confused, as I have 2 laptops & standard PC all running latest Windows 10 (1903) & EQMod runs just fine, together with CDC, Stellarium, APT, SGPro etc......
  5. maybe, but I want Mate..... especially when I want to be able to use the system for image manipulation, which will really benefit from x64 & more memory.....
  6. It does, but my big gripe is that its all still 32bit, thereby negating one of the advantages of the Pi4, i.e. 64bit capable. Granted all the Apps are still 32bit, and will be for some time, but with a 64bit OS in place, upgrading will be much easier, without wiping the whole system clean..... So until there's a 64bit non-beta version of Ubuntu 18\19 available I'll hold off running it 'live', and just use it for testing.
  7. They can be used, but you must use the older driver, v1180_20170406.....
  8. For continuous output, think Uninterruptable Power Supplies (https://www.electricneutron.com/theory/charging-methods-for-ups-batteries/) but its not a cheap option.....
  9. A few thoughts : Firstly you'll need to calculate the total expected current load for all devices, and those in the future, that will not only include the obvious devices, but also things like lighting, dehumidifiers ?, security, roof-openers etc. Once you have it then you'll either double, treble or even quadruple the figure depending on how many days you expect to run without being able to charge the batteries. Being Solar charged you are very much prone to the vagaries of the weather, but this can be augmented with mains chargers, which then negates the purpose of the exercise ..... Once you have your figure, you can then work out the number\type of batteries you require. These could either be deep cycle, lead acid or tracer type (with spares ?), but in any event you will need to then physically find space, securely and safely fit them, together with their charging\control system.
  10. Which version are you running ? as the beta (232) only allows a recovery every x minutes for xx minutes period of time, which sometimes throws SGP into a tailspin doing all sorts of weird things like immediately trying to take an image without first checking its on target & guiding is ok !!
  11. In PHD2 in the advanced setup \ Camera \ Camera-Specific Properties, increase the "Disconnect nonresponsive camera after (seconds)" I've got mine set to 70, but depending on cloud cover chasing I sometimes set it higher....
  12. All the manufacturers try to pack sooo many features (mostly useless or targeted at generating ad revenue) that they will try all the tricks available, to make the battery last, otherwise the device would soon be prematurely shutting down....
  13. How well is your house built ?? e.g. can you feel any vibrations from passing traffic etc. ?? if so then I'd expect things to move....
  14. Ty Alan, but what format are the files ??
  15. Mono \ Colour ? & what software ? as I'm unable to view the files....
  16. For cleaning all my optics etc., I use Baader wonder fluid \ Wonder cloth, Lenspen & bulb blower e.g. https://www.baader-planetarium.com/en/optical-wonder-set-and-lenspen.html
  17. I've tried the cheap stepper\drivers & found they soon wear out & quickly introduce slop, and for me, they were more problematical to mount (yes I have printed brackets), but for the Nema's its easier to use Allu 40x40 angle \ bar and ensure you have a firm fixture that doesn't bind on anything else. As with everything you pays your money, and takes your choice...
  18. If you have some spare cash, then have a look at the Prusa SL1 https://www.prusa3d.com/original-prusa-sl1/ for another wedge, they also do a washing station....
  19. …. just skip through it....
  20. Its all the required special handling I'm not sure I could put up with, especially in the organised mess, that is my 'workshop'.....
  21. If you've not seen it Thomas Sanladerer has reviewed it
  22. I use variants on these https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/5-1-Planetary-Gearbox-High-Torque-Nema-17-Stepper-Motor-1-68A-DIY-CNC-3D-Printer/121683241475 from OMC for all my focusers, whether they be direct drive or belt driven. Being geared their torque is high and so hold position without slipping \ losing focus....
  23. …. The bottom picture of the Remscope page, says it all.... will you ever get too see any stars ?? 🤣🤣
  24. …. it did cross my mind ...... Methinks another Arduino Nano & some drivers......
  25. How about a semi-circular "wiper blade" activated by small motor, to clean the outside of the dome..... I'm not sure if Gina hasn't knocked one up ??
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