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Everything posted by Dr_Ju_ju

  1. Even if it was flashed differently, and if you're confident in doing it, you could always flash it to the same version as the other one, or even flash both to the latest & greatest....
  2. If you are careful, you 'could' fit the missing components to the other board, and swap their roles..... If all worked ok, it would then give you a 'working' model, you could compare to the broken, to at least narrow down your search, but if its the big U5 then you're out of luck as Synta get them modded from a standard part.
  3. So you've actually installed EQMod ok then ??, but it can't see the adaptor you've installed\connected ?? You say you've installed the FTDI drivers, but is the adaptor actually FTDI based ?? or could it be Prolific \ CH340 ??
  4. I bought some of these https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B004NO0L4O/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o05_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 both left & right handed. I wouldn't bother with the HDMI port, as that just gives video out with limited control, whereas the USB also gives full control as well as the picture data stream....
  5. I've had to make 2 repairs to an AZ-EQ6 motherboard, one was my own fault, when I was giving it a service & knocked off a surface socket, the 2nd was when a small spider got into the ST4 port, that has the regulated volts on it, it built a small web, which got wet with dew & blew the on-board regulator. Since then I keep an 'empty' plug in the socket.... For me, both were easy to source parts, fix & replace, but then I have very long standing accounts with Farnell & RS Components, and the appropriate tools & skills....
  6. Looking good.... I think we need a new Sub-Section of "DIY Astronomer" called "3D files" of ALL types, for all the various bits we design, but don't publish, that others can comment on, refine and even generally use....
  7. I'd love to try & use the latest version, but unfortunately whenever I run it, the initial splash screen pops up, then immediately drops down to a small 'white' window and appears to freeze, doing nothing else till I manually close it .... This isn't the place to discuss software errors, but I don't see an obvious support forum, so here's a copy of the log. Stellarium_log.txt
  8. In EQMod are there any Aligment \ Sync points ? they will probably need to be removed\deleted and EQMod set to "Dialog based"
  9. .... but then you know want to.....
  10. Same as me then. Currently I'm leaving it 8 mins to stabilise over the bed area, which is a pain... I'm trying to use M300 to play a beep to alert me, but that just results in a weedy noise out of the PanelDue, so as well as a different probe, I'm also looking at using E1 as an output to drive either a small loudspeaker or piezo beeper, especially as it's PWM control....
  11. quick question for you, as you are using a thick cast bed, have you fitted a different thermistor\PT1000 etc. to the bed to cater for the latency in heating the whole bed surface, or do you just put a delay into the gcode ??
  12. As many more of us now use 3D Printers for not only Astro equipment, but for other things that may need replacing, e.g. I just printed a replacement for a Record Power drill guard & a toilet ball float, (for the garden pond), build-with-hubs dome parts etc etc ... We tend to overlook the general ware & tear on our printers, the build up of dust, small bits of plastic getting into places where it should be... So I urge you all, to take some time out and give your printer(s) some TLC and a spring clean, make sure all axis are running smoothly, and if needed update firmware etc....
  13. So, the mount slews to target, but isn't 'spot-on' ?? if so, that is what I'd expect, and why "Imagers" use Plate Solving and PHD2 to ensure scope is pointed at target & stays there.... when you say your 'scope sight', is this an external object mounted on the outside of the main OTA ? if so have you aligned it with the OTA ??
  14. Yes, but deliberately so, as they would interfere with alignment\plate solving... and why are you running StellariumScope ??, there is no need for it as both Stellarium & CDC can drive the mount directly...
  15. For a Capacitor to be shorted, as you say they are, there's probably a lot more failures that just the regulators, it may well be easier to get a replacement from OVL (Optical Vision Ltd. the importers) and get the added benefit of a USB port, doing away with any external adaptor....
  16. Which version of Ascom do you have installed ?? As I see Alpaca, which as far as I'm aware requires a Ascom 6.5 which is NOT released for full usage, only for test, and does have issues.... you need to be running 6.4 SP1
  17. what do you mean by Sync ? are you referring to Alignment / Sync ? i.e.
  18. I don't have a Lynx adaptor, as I make my own, but do you have the driver installed for it ? Have you set the EQMod port settings, also in Device Manager port check that the mount is using the correct driver, & personally I'd change the assigned port number to a lower value. These are my settings....
  19. from your picture, the 1st obvious point is that you've selected COM16 for the port, which is highly unlikely, you need to check in Device Manager \ Ports what is connected and their appropriate COM port
  20. Unless you are starting from zero (racked in\out) every session, the actual number of steps that your focuser takes to go from 0% to 100% is irrelevant. When a focus routine is run, the software will attempt to go back and forth, through the lowest average HFR value of the image, repeating the process till the best value is found. As my system is usually set-up ready to go (I wish), outside of SGPro, I remotely drive the focuser, to obtain a reasonable focus, I then set the step number of the focuser to a value somewhere to the middle of its range, which then allows SGPro plenty of 'wiggle' room to get the focus the best it can, fyi, I set mine to 9 data points & a step size of 50.
  21. 1st things first, If you have a recent version Stellarium, you don't need StellariumScope, the functionality is now built in, the same as CDC, and they just work.... Do you have the appropriate Ascom drivers installed for your mount, which is what BTW ??
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