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Everything posted by Dr_Ju_ju

  1. Personally, I found the OpenScad threads modules much more usable (https://www.dkprojects.net/openscad-threads/) which can then be imported into other drawing packages. In the picture above, the white tube is my PST to OTA (standard 2") adaptor, with a fine thread at the top.....
  2. It was quite a firm fit, so I'd be happy to hang one of my lenses off it, but that may depend on the size\weight of the lens\filter wheel etc....
  3. You'll find out for yourself soon.....
  4. It also fits my standard Canon lenses which are all EF .....
  5. Yes, its in one piece, and I printed it in PLA.... Whether its fully right or not I don't know, but it fits my Tamron 24mm, as for the filter wheel side......
  6. That's one of the problems with Tinkercad, It's maxim resolution still leaves discrete steps, so for parts I really need 'smooth', I just knock them up in OpenScad & just import them for further manipulation.... & Update 1.5 Hours left to go......
  7. That's one of the reasons I love the Prusa.... even though its one of the (now) old Mk2's, its still prints wonderfully, & I have added loads of Mods\Updates etc. & combined with PrusaSlicer produces great results, even on my large CoreXY beast....
  8. ROFLMFA 🤣 a little something to whet your appetite....
  9. Great, its sliced @ 0.05 & the printer is heating up...... now a 3.5 hour wait...
  10. I like a laugh, post your STL file & I'll knock out a copy.....
  11. For something that intricate, you also want to ensure that they are able to print at 0.1 mm, or less, height per layer.....
  12. How 'practical' are you?, as without buying a full goto mount, you could probably add some stepper motors to your existing mount, replacing the manual controls, and driving it with an AstroEQ controller (https://astroeq.co.uk/tutorials.php whether self built or bought), and a pair of Nema17 motors. But this would then require a computer to 'instruct' the mount where to go....
  13. Nope, its on facile book, and personally, I will never touch any of the garbage there.....
  14. If you want to make some up, the connectors are available from RS https://uk.rs-online.com/web/c/connectors/circular-connectors/din-connectors/?applied-dimensions=4294882795
  15. I don't know whether you've considered it or not, but you can build your own MyFocuserPro2 (https://sourceforge.net/projects/arduinoascomfocuserpro2diy/) and fit a Nema 17 motor directly to the focuser you linked to, replacing the 'single' turn knob. It's how I've fitted one to my ED80.
  16. 1st off, & personally, I would never use an active extension.... Having said that, couple of thoughts, have you tried a good quality (Cromo) short USB 3.0 lead (2 M max) direct to a USB 3.0 port on the computer, with no other devices plugged into the camera USB ports ? Also, in the driver, have you reduced the USB speed, to limit data download to PC ?
  17. Then personally, I'd get some of this https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2-Core-EWK-Silicone-Rubber-DC-Wiring-Cable-4-amp-2x0-25mm-Flexible-LED-Solar/163699838807? and suitable connectors, and make up my own ....
  18. And the required specification for the cable is ??? i.e. voltage\current capacity, flexibility, diameter etc ??
  19. For my reflectors, I made some using the stiff plastic sheets, used to 'open' bin\garden waste bags, before filling with leaves etc. and then lining with black felt. Because its' stiff I was able to cut it to fit the OTA, avoiding the obstructions etc., but I don't know if they are still available ??
  20. Wired will always be superior to wifi for connectivity, throughput etc. its just that its point to point so limited on number of connected devices, unless you add small GB switches, which is what I do, and relegate wifi to the toys....
  21. Brilliant bit of work, it warms the cockles, to know there are still people around willing to put in the time & effort to produce a work like this....
  22. For what they are, and to be honest, I just buy USB\Serial adaptors (FTDI ones), and splice a network cable into the 'serial' end, works every time....
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