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Does Alien Life Exist Poll


Is there alien life?  

117 members have voted

  1. 1. Is there alien life?

    • Yes, certainly, the universe is teeming with all forms of life
    • Maybe, its spread out amongst galaxies, with primitive microbial life being the most numerous
    • No, there is no life whatsoever in the universe apart from earth
    • Not sure

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I'd definitely say that we can't really be alone in this universe, with the amount of possibilities there are out there! Especially since life could potentially be pretty much anywhere (just not always as we know it).

I don't know how much intelligent life there could be (although surely we can't be alone?!) but there's got to be plenty of microbial life out there which just hasn't had long enough to develop, and could just be lying dormant, perhaps? :)

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No 1, but not as we know it :)

I will state 3 factors as to why we have not seen or heard alien life,

1, Time, It took millions of years for intelligent homosapiens to evolve, so how many intelligent life forms have come and gone before us and when the human race becomes extinct, how many new intelligent life forms will come into being. Just think of our ancestors before international travel existed, those living in a quiet village in rural Kent had no Idea there were Aboriginals in Austrlia or Indians in the Americas.

2, Distance, when one thinks of the distance to our closest neighbours and the time it would take to get there, then what chance for the rest of the universe.

3, Odds, what are the odds of finding the right planet with intelligent life amongst the millions of planets in the universe.

Nicely summed up. There may be shed loads of other life forms out there but the odds of actual contact with another intelligent species may very well be extremely slim.

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Well you know - someone has to be first dont they ? Whats to say its not us ?

I always wonder though how many intelligent species may have evolved and then got wiped out by something like a meteor impact, supernova, giant solar flare, sun going red giant on them etc.

I'd like to think its out there but I just dont think we are ever going to find it.

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Yup, there are loads of aliens, and most of them live in Dudley: I went out with a few of them in the 80s. :p We probably have our own Black Country Men In Black.;)

Seriously though, I think there is life out there, but it's probably quite gloopy...

(ie quite similar to what I was used to dating in my teenage years...):)

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This subject fascinates me, was wondering if there are any half decent guesses on how many planets might be suitable to allow life.

Came across this, which guessed at about 40,000 planets in the Milky Way alone, never mind the billions of other galaxies!!:

40,000 planets could be home to aliens - Telegraph

I suppose it is based on a whole lotta guesswork as well, but I like the idea it might be so high!

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based on probability there has to be life out there other than us - it takes around 100,000 years to travel across our galaxy at the speed of light - it's no wonder other life has not found us/vice versa.

that said........the X Factor..........they're already apparently among us!

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I dont think its a simple case of other life out there, it's a case of time. There as been or there will be life as intelligent (I'm saying this very loosely) as us. Its just that we won't peak at the same time. They are all dead (killed themselves no doubt) or they are still at the green water stage, does this make sense or is the wine talking:confused: look at us 100 years ago and think about the next 100, will we still be here??? so if a race peaks and can communicate for only 100-200 years there no chance of meeting us or a race going on to travel the stars, if they are like us they will or have killed themselves (sad but maybe true). Any thoughts on this one folks???:)

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not at all - survival has nothing to do with intelligence at least in my view. it's down to being the one(s) left over at the end and which is usually as a result of bring most, or at least more, suited to your environment etc than your 'competitors'. :)

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not at all - survival has nothing to do with intelligence at least in my view. it's down to being the one(s) left over at the end and which is usually as a result of bring most, or at least more, suited to your environment etc than your 'competitors'. :)

And that is the only reason why I wouldn't want to meet extraterrestrial intelligent life. Although it would be nice to know if it existed.

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If ANY alien life has the ability to just show up here without warning, you can be assured they aint here to borrow a cup of sugar.

indeed mate! :)

it would be naive of me to think this but it would be nice if we could talk and agree on things but unlikely.

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If any ET had the ability for FTL travel then I don't see why they'd need anything from Earth, I'm sure there are vast amounts of any element on Earth throughout the cosmos, without the need for attacking Earth for ours.

If a civilisation is so technologically advanced that technology provides everything from food, shelter, protection and survival, for every living being on that planet, then the next logical step is for either internal or external exploration.

Internal being I suppose, meditation and discovering the true power of conciousness and what a single organisms brain is limited to. External of course being space exploration.

Whether or not that ET's race would be hostile If they came across another civilisation I think would depend on many factors.

Is this ET race venturing out as countries (like Earth) or as representing a whole planet?

What their own technology is like compared to that of the other ET's.

How the other civilisation reacts to their presence.

Sadly until the Earth is united under one flag I can't see us as a great civilisation for ET to rendezvous with. For a species with the technology to abolish poverty and a lot of suffering for the majority of its inhabitants, it's a sad state of affairs we're in.

The fact we don't and are still fuelled by power and money, I think we'll eventually be the ET's stumbling upon a primitive race and destroying them.

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Taking this one step further, look how we treat other life forms here on earth, we kill and eat them, beat them and make them work for us or we just destroy their habitat. we harm the earth. Yet we would demand respect from an ET, they would terminate us as a hostile parasite, well I would!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I work in a field where Baye's theorem is widely used to consider scientific evidence. Using this approach, I can quickly convince myself that life almost certainly does exist elsewhere, and possibly even fairly advanced life at that (ie pays tax, watches something like Coronation Street and drinks too much at least once a week - all signs of an advanced lifeform!).

The arguments about timescales, ie would intelligent life overlap with the lifetime of our species, or whether travel between inhabited planets is possible because of the long journey times, are probably naive, as our understanding of the universe is as yet so limited we really can't say for sure that instantaneous travel isn't possible, or that the lifetime of our species (or its successors) is really as limited as we currently believe.

And, having had a fairly convincing personal UFO experience, I really wouldn't rule out personally that they haven't been here already!


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