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Everything posted by astromerlin

  1. Depending on actual dates Kes and I are also interested.
  2. Kes and I are booked, thanks Grant. Can't wait now. See you all there.
  3. I'd go with gravel, line the path with 3"X3/4" wood staked in, weed mat and then fill with gravel. This does mean digging out though, so perhaps organise a "bring your own spade" barbie/starparty.
  4. How about this stuff to re-attach wires? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/0-3ML-Silver-Conductive-Compound-Electrically-Paint-Glue-Wire-Paste-Trace-Repair-/381261278511?hash=item58c4f16d2f:g:SRMAAOSwNSxVOvyD
  5. It's difficult to say, I've had cameras that have shown an all white image as well as all black but no real image. If you check all the ribbon cables are properly in their sockets then it may well be the sensor is bad.
  6. Hi Rick, Double check the connections on the sensor it might bring it back to life. It will save 1.8mb of data because the firmware is told to do so, if the sensor is broken or not connected properly the "data" will be zero (black).
  7. It's a long shot but you could try using electrically conductive paint/glue used to repair heater matrix on car rear windows.
  8. With all the good weather last month I managed to grab some data on the Tulip nebula with the 130pds and Canon 1100d 20 x 300sec rgb 10 x 600sec Ha All subs captured at iso1600, and my first attempt at combining ha data with rgb.
  9. I've just stumbled onto this very interesting project, now for the dumb question, will the accuracy of polar alignment using your method be affected if I have cone error in my setup?
  10. astromerlin


    From the album: Deep Space Objects

    Image taken around the 15th Feb 2014 with a Canon 1100d and SW 250p, 25 x 30sec and 30 x 120sec subs, I forgot to take darks so there may be a few dodgy pixels in there. Processed with DSS, Startools and PS.
  11. astromerlin


    From the album: Deep Space Objects

    Imaged a total 3hours and 10min, subs 300sec at ISO1600 + 30 darks and flats Stacked in Dss and processed with Startools and finished in PS.
  12. From the album: Deep Space Objects

    300 sec subs at iso 400 taken with unmodded Canon 1000d. Stacked in DSS and processed in PS
  13. astromerlin

    Full Moon3 just

    From the album: Moon

  14. astromerlin


  15. astromerlin


    From the album: Deep Space Objects

  16. astromerlin


    From the album: Deep Space Objects

  17. astromerlin


    From the album: Saturn

  18. astromerlin


  19. astromerlin


    From the album: Jupiter

  20. astromerlin


  21. astromerlin


    From the album: Moon

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