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Thanks Mike.....


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What a great weekend!!

Warm days, clear nights, great company and NO CONTRAILS!!!

On behalf of everyone, I would like to say a massive thanks to MikeP for all the hard work he put into organising SGL5. He did a fantastic job and spent the whole weekend worrying that everyone had a good time!

Well, everyone I spoke to certainly did and were very appreciative of Mike's efforts. He thought of everything, from ensuring that people were on the right pitch, they had food (even when they didn't book) and even little details like the name badges! A wonderful weekend!!

Many, many thanks Mike!!

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I absolutely second that. Mike did a wonderful job and even though I was onlly there a couple of days it was easy to see how much effort Mike had put in. Especially organising the food and the communications with the campsite. WELL DONE MIKE P. :D:hello2:


ps. I must get Mrs. P's recipe for the almond slices

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Just got back about an hour ago.

Thank you to everyone involved, and to all attendees as well, (and to the glorious weather) for making SGL5 a really top notch event.

Thank you especially to MikeP, for all his personal effort and expenses, and even more especially for the use of his EQ6, which meant I could actually DO some imaging, instead of just observing others imaging :D

Cheers all!

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Thank you very much Mike, & everyone else, for such a fantastic weekend. I had a great time, both day & night, so thanks to all for being such a friendly bunch. Lovely to see you again.


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I would like to add my personal thanks, it was a wonderful weekend a thankyou to all who let me look throught their scope , but most especially a big thankyou to those who organised this wonderful event.

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A big thank you to Mike and everyone else involved in making this such a fantastic event. This was our first star party, and it's going to take something special to top this one! Thanks to all who let me have a look through their scopes, the help and assistance, and to those who did the talks. I also came back with new shiney things, so a result all round!

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Mike, Daz, admins and everyone who made this such a great few days...a huge and sincere thank you.. ~I had an awesome time, the views with the 20" dob were just mindblowing (comets...eeesh wow), taking my friend from work around, and all the people being SOOOOOO friendly and kind, has made him convinced he needs to get a scope...so thanks in particular to Kev with the Dob and Steve L also from me for their time, as well as everyone else who made it so so special.. Built some bridges with people, made some great new friends and met up with all you lot, who make this hobby so special for all of us...

Roll on SSP and SGL6...and Mike...brilliant brilliant job!!

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Ditto....thanks MikeP, and everyone involved in the organization, for all your efforts. We had a fantastic 3 days and wouldn't have missed it for the world. Great to meet some old friends and to make some new ones too.

Must remember to pack some sun cream next time though.....

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Thanks Mike, lots of great effort from you and others made everything run very smoothly. I had a great time, warm days, clear nights and friendly people made for an enjoyable event. Much appreciated. Allan (and Nadia)

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On behalf of everyone, I would like to say a massive thanks to MikeP for all the hard work he put into organising SGL5. He did a fantastic job and spent the whole weekend worrying that everyone had a good time!

Mike certainly gets my man of the match vote :D he worked tirelessly the full weekend and his attention to detail and the little things speak enormously to his dedication to SGL5 being a great success, also a big thank you to everyone else who made this weekend one to remember.

Thanks guys for a great weekend :)

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