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Geoff Barnes

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I amused myself by getting Chat GPT to write SGL posts for me to read, like this one:

Setup Advice for Newbie

Write a typical stargazerslounge post.

Title: New Stargazer Seeking Advice on Observing Setup

Hello fellow stargazers!

I'm thrilled to join this amazing community of astronomy enthusiasts! As a beginner, I'm eager to embark on this celestial journey and explore the wonders of the night sky. However, I need some guidance in setting up my observing equipment and would greatly appreciate your advice and recommendations.

Firstly, let me share the details of my current setup:

Telescope: I recently purchased a Celestron NexStar 8SE, and I'm excited about its capabilities. The aperture seems promising for deep-sky observations, and the computerized GoTo mount should assist me in finding objects efficiently.

Eyepieces: The telescope came with a 25mm eyepiece, which provides a good general view. However, I'm looking to expand my collection and invest in a few additional eyepieces. What focal lengths would you recommend for different types of observations, such as planetary, lunar, and deep-sky?

Filters: I've heard about filters that can enhance specific features or reduce light pollution. Which filters should I consider for my setup, and what benefits do they offer?

Accessories: Are there any essential accessories that I should acquire to enhance my observing experience? Tripods, finderscopes, star charts, and astrophotography gear are all of interest to me, but I'm unsure where to begin.

Light Pollution: Unfortunately, I live in an area with moderate light pollution. Are there any strategies or tips you could share to help me mitigate its effects? Any recommendations for light pollution filters or techniques for better visibility under light-polluted skies?

Collimation: Collimating my telescope seems like an essential maintenance task, but it appears quite daunting to a novice like me. Could you provide some step-by-step instructions or share any resources that could guide me through the process?

Observing Tips: As I embark on this new journey, I would love to hear your insights and tips for successful observing sessions. What are some beginner-friendly targets I should prioritize? Any recommended observing techniques or best practices that I should keep in mind?

I'm incredibly grateful for any advice, tips, or personal experiences you can share. I'm thrilled to begin my stargazing adventures and eagerly look forward to your guidance. Thank you in advance for your support!

Clear skies, [Your Username]

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So, obviously I had to try the same exercise, but for a typical post in Another Forum.

I think it still needs some work.


Greetings, fellow stargazers!

I hope this message finds you all under clear skies and with your telescopes ready for some celestial adventures. As we delve deeper into the mysteries of the universe, let's take a moment to share our recent observations, awe-inspiring photographs, and exciting discoveries.

Last night, I had the privilege of witnessing a breathtaking sight—a rare conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn. The two gas giants appeared as a captivating pair in my telescope's eyepiece, their colorful bands and distinctive moons visible in stunning detail. It reminded me of the historic Great Conjunction of 2020, but this event was equally enchanting in its own right.

Have any of you observed other celestial events or phenomena recently? Perhaps a meteor shower or a comet passing through our neighborhood? It's always fascinating to hear about your experiences and learn from your insights.

On a more personal note, I've been experimenting with astrophotography and managed to capture an image of the Orion Nebula. The intricate tendrils of gas and dust, illuminated by the newborn stars within, truly left me in awe. I'm eager to hear your tips and recommendations for astrophotography techniques or any software that enhances the quality of images.

Moreover, I'm excited to discuss the latest space missions and discoveries. The James Webb Space Telescope is scheduled to launch later this year, promising to unveil the secrets of the early universe with its unprecedented capabilities. Let's share our anticipation and predictions for the groundbreaking scientific breakthroughs that await us.

Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to the moderators and contributors who make this forum a vibrant hub of astronomical knowledge and camaraderie. Your dedication and expertise inspire us all to continuously explore and learn about the wonders above.

Remember, everyone is welcome here—regardless of your experience level. Whether you're a seasoned observer or just starting your journey into the cosmos, feel free to ask questions, seek advice, or share your enthusiasm. Together, we can unlock the wonders of the universe and foster a sense of community that transcends the vastness of space.

Wishing you all clear skies and unforgettable astronomical encounters.

Keep looking up!

[Your Name]


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1 hour ago, Mr Spock said:

It went again there for a while. But it's back, and back, and back :biggrin:

It's still a bit hit and miss here Michael .

Even as recently as 10 minutes ago I've just been greeted with a page teling me the site doesn't exist ... forgot to screenshot it but if it goes again I'll do so next time.

Thanks for al the hard work you continue to do for us all.

Regards ,


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5 minutes ago, Steve Ward said:

It's still a bit hit and miss here Michael .

Even as recently as 10 minutes ago I've just been greeted with a page teling me the site doesn't exist ... forgot to screenshot it but if it goes again I'll do so next time.

Thanks for al the hard work you continue to do for us all.

Regards ,


This has happened to me half a dozen times at least today. 

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15 minutes ago, F15Rules said:

If that Chat GPT question had been a real person, I'd have lost the will to live after 2 paragraphs and ignored it..🤪😝..


That's why I want to see what its reply to that is, should be able to input the query as a prompt and ask it to reply

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6 minutes ago, Saganite said:

This has happened to me half a dozen times at least today. 

Likely to do with your ISP and their records not being updated promptly (it takes a while sometimes), happened to me many times over the last few days, mobile no issue once it was live, via my router however it wasn't working.

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12 minutes ago, Elp said:

Likely to do with your ISP and their records not being updated promptly (it takes a while sometimes), happened to me many times over the last few days, mobile no issue once it was live, via my router however it wasn't working.

Exactly my experience, mobile has been fine.  Thanks.

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16 minutes ago, Zermelo said:

My laptop and phone have been fine, but my tablet said "community not found" or somesuch, until I restarted the browser.

So possibly cache misbehaviour.

Sounds like the same as I was getting.  At least I can now wait for everything to sort itself out, I thought my computer was misbehaving.


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22 minutes ago, Mr H in Yorkshire said:

In view of the typical age group of this forum (I hit 70 on the 25th) I worry what the membership attrition rate has been during the change over! Should there be a roll call?

A good point.  As a fellow septuagenarian, I worry about the old folks...:grin:

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4 hours ago, Zermelo said:

So, obviously I had to try the same exercise, but for a typical post in Another Forum.

I think it still needs some work.

How about asking Chat GPT to generate a typical whole thread on the other forum... and see if it accurately predicts descent into a sniping match, and does it also lock the thread in the end 🤣 🙊

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The bit I missed the most was not being able to read many older posts when I google research for  various  comparisons in equipment but then  gain CN was available  but some of the chat is  a bit tiresome.

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What happened with the update/upgrade guys???  Why so long to upgrade - it was down for 2 -3 days.  Being involved in major IT switchovers myself it sounds like you encountered problems.  Did you move hosts completely?  DNS or a database issue?  Backups failed??  What software do you use for the fourm - it looks like phpDB ????

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4 minutes ago, Space Hopper said:

Still getting multiple error messages all over the forum.

It seems worse tonight

Me too. I seem to have to refresh the screen each time I want to view a new page.  I'm getting this quite frequently:


I didn't notice this before tonight.

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Just now, John said:

Me too. I seem to have to refresh the screen each time I want to view a new page.  I'm getting this quite frequently:


I didn't notice this before tonight.

Same here. I've messaged Grant about it, hopefully something easily fixed and he can have a rest!

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