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125mm f7.8 fpl53 scope - help needed to stop me buying one

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I'm very happy with my lot and I'm not looking for another scope.

Unfortunately I accidentally found myself looking at one of these 125mm f7.8 fpl53 scopes online.

The things that struck me as winning about it were...

1. Lots of backocus availability 150mm-210mm compared to 123mm from my 102mm f7 fpl53. That would open up more options for binoviewing and solar in particular.

2. Nearly 25% more aperture than my 102mm. Maybe it could replace my 102mm refractor and be enough to also make my C8 become redundant? I could simplify to just  3 scopes... 72mm for travel, 125mm for most things, and 350mm newt for when I want a work out as well as an epic observing session.

3. Same quality build and glass as my 102mm which I have been very happy with for the last couple of years.

The problem though is when I got my 102mm I researched what size refractor I would want by going to an astro fair. I actually had in mind 120mm as I had lots of experience of using a 120mm f5 but as soon as I walked in and saw the 120-130mm f7-f9 ish scopes I thought they were too far out of grab and go territory for me and it was an easy decision to switch my search to 4" scopes, but that is a distant memory and here I am wondering what to do!

I am also mindful of vibes which I really don't like. I use a Skytee 2 that handles my 102 fine and my C8 fine also, but the weight and length of a 125mm f7 would I think present more of a challenge to a mount. I would not want to take on a scope that caused a need for a heavier mount.

The only other thing I would mention are it would be for general visual purposes i.e. any/every kind of visual target.

Maybe I should delete any astro sites from my computer for a week or so in order to get over it, my 102mm is great - easy to handle, great quality, and so flexible in what it can do.

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Love my Tecnosky 125. A great visual scope that has given me the best solar white light views I have ever had. Great lunar views as well. Looking forward to when Jupiter and Saturn are higher up this summer. An excellent all round scope. 

Better optics than the SW120 with noticeably sharper views and better contrast.

Should be fine on the Skytee. I did replace the stock dovetail with a longer Losmandy one.

Thought about the 102 but in the end decided I would always regret not going for more aperture.


Edited by johninderby
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Sorry, Chris, no help is available for that type of craving...😱😂.

But joking apart, it sounds like a great scope at a very good price. While it's not a traditional "grab and go" scope, it is a portable one without too much difficulty. 

My "one size fits all scope" is a Tak FS128..although a big scope, it's only 7.5kg in weight, very like the Teknosky, and a similar length (1040mm F8).

Mine is rock solid on a Tak EM2 mount ( like a Vixen GPDX), rated at c 10.5kg..your Skytee is rated at 10kg so should take the scope comfortably (especially with an upgraded dovetail/plate as John suggests)👍.

I also have a 4" frac, and there is a significant and worthwhile difference going up to 5".

I look forward to reading your first light report, and seeing your 4" F7 in the classifieds!😱😂


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33 minutes ago, johninderby said:

Love my Tecnosky 125. A great visual scope that has given me the best solar white light views I have ever had. Great lunar views as well. Looking forward to when Jupiter and Saturn are higher up this summer. An excellent all round scope. 

Better optics than the SW120 with noticeably sharper views and better contrast.

Should be fine on the Skytee. I did replace the stock dovetail with a longer Losmandy one.

Thought about the 102 but in the end decided I would always regret not going for more aperture.


Thanks for the note I've caught up on a few reviews, it does sound good and it's useful to know its likely ok on a Skytee.

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One thing to mention is that the scope can be had with a 2.5” or 3.7” focuser but I went with the 2.5” as it helps keep the weight down. Had the 3.7” focuser on another scope and would say it didn’t work any better than the 2.5”.

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55 minutes ago, F15Rules said:

Sorry, Chris, no help is available for that type of craving...😱😂.

But joking apart, it sounds like a great scope at a very good price. While it's not a traditional "grab and go" scope, it is a portable one without too much difficulty. 

My "one size fits all scope" is a Tak FS128..although a big scope, it's only 7.5kg in weight, very like the Teknosky, and a similar length (1040mm F8).

Mine is rock solid on a Tak EM2 mount ( like a Vixen GPDX), rated at c 10.5kg..your Skytee is rated at 10kg so should take the scope comfortably (especially with an upgraded dovetail/plate as John suggests)👍.

I also have a 4" frac, and there is a significant and worthwhile difference going up to 5".

I look forward to reading your first light report, and seeing your 4" F7 in the classifieds!😱😂


Thanks for your "help" with all the positive conments Dave. 🙂

I admit selling my 102mm would feel like an act of disloyalty to a faithful scope, if that makes any sense!

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Just to chip in here with a little extra: Whilst I don't have the scope you are tempted with, ( though I am tempted too, ) I do have a Skytee. I have had both a AR127L ( F 9.4 ) and a AR102L ( F13.2 ) on it, at the same time and it handled it fine. Again with the saddle upgrade. :smiley:

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I understand your dilemma, I am in a very similar position with the same 102ED and a C8, often side by side on the Skytee. The 102 is so easy to use, beautifully made, cools quickly, and fantastic on solar system and wide field, but seems a little puny when compared to the C8 for faint fuzzies. But the C8 lacks those lovely clean star images is not so good on doubles. If only there was a scope that could replace them both, one scope to rule them all ...... 😂

I have been tempted by the 125 too. Two things put me off (1) longer tube, my Tal100 is significantly less convenient to use, those extra 30cms of tube length make a difference (2) is 125mm enough of an increase and can it really replace 200mm for faint fuzzies? Would you end up using both anyway? I kind of concluded I was better off with two scopes. 

But I've never owned a 125mm refractor, so would really appreciate it if you could buy one and let us know how you get on. 👍😊

Edited by RobertI
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4 hours ago, Paz said:

Nearly 25% more aperture than my 102mm.

If I'm not mistaken that's 50% more light gathering power! I don't understand why you haven't already pushed the button :) And as far as the extra weight and length goes ... what's life without a challenge? All I know is when I get the itch I can't sleep or concentrate on anything else. Don't torture yourself; just buy it :)

Very envious if you do succumb,

Malcolm :)



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4 hours ago, RobertI said:

is 125mm enough of an increase and can it really replace 200mm for faint fuzzies

It will make a difference on lunar and planetary over the 100mm but will not replace the 8" on DSO.IMHO.Mind you on some DSO, like the Merope, M42 etc it will be superb.

A 120mmish frac and a 12"ish dob is a very hard to beat combination. The 12" f5 dob has enough focal length and illumination to compete with bigger scopes, IMHO. Oh yeah, they are (or can be) low obstructed scopes. I think the VX12 is about 21%- right in the strike zone.

Edited by jetstream
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I’m not going to be much use here in dissuading you.

My Altair Astro 125 gives stunning views. I use the Altair Sabre Mount, once balanced, it’s a joy to use. 
Difficult to describe as ‘grab and go’ (my AP Stowaway is), as it takes a couple of trips from the car to set everything up.

If ever you’re in Norfolk and want a look through, you’ll find me at Seething Obsy with Norwich Astro.


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Thanks for all the comments, I think it would be a great scope but I'm going to sit on the idea and think about it (I probably tend to over think scope purchases). A thing I keep coming back to is the physicality of bigger scopes... If I can handle my 14" dobsonian perhaps I should focus on enjoying that for as long as I can and consider less heavy/bulky set ups as time goes by and I have to scale things down.

There's also the issue of having far too many scopes. If I were to thin out how many scopes I have I would feel less guilty about considering another one!

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On 04/03/2022 at 18:50, johninderby said:

Love my Tecnosky 125. A great visual scope that has given me the best solar white light views I have ever had. Great lunar views as well. Looking forward to when Jupiter and Saturn are higher up this summer. An excellent all round scope. 

Better optics than the SW120 with noticeably sharper views and better contrast.

Should be fine on the Skytee. I did replace the stock dovetail with a longer Losmandy one.

Thought about the 102 but in the end decided I would always regret not going for more aperture.


Please don't take this the wrong way, John but have you EVER bought a telescope that wasnt "noticeably better" than its Skywatcher equivalent? 🤣😜


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There must be a line drawn at some point! if you get a 125 then you'll just want a 140 next year, then a 150, I know that way of thinking is rare among us amateur astronomers but it can happen.

Edited by Sunshine
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