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Skywatcher AZ GTI mount owners thread


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You need an equatorial wedge to mount it onto (and a counterweight bar and weight if it's required for the payload), update the firmware if it hasn't been done so, then it can operate in either altaz or EQ mode. It is an altaz mount by default. If using the synscan pro app it asks you at startup whether you're using altaz or EQ mode if you've got the updated/latest firmware installed on the mount.

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24 minutes ago, Ags said:

I guess so, but not 100% certain this will apply to the AZ-GTIX too.

I reckon the mechanicals inside are likely to be the same as the GTi, so I can't see it needing any different firmware. (although that is just a wild-assed guess 😉 ). 

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Interesting, first time seeing that mount. It's got the same freedom find dual encoder tech so potentially it might work if the firmware can be updated, albeit on the one Dec side only.

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On 25/08/2022 at 15:42, CKP said:

Nice present! I bought myself the az gti for my birthday too!

How does the ota feel on the mount, I'm thinking of doing the same. I use the heritage 130p at the moment but don't like having to make light shrouds and the crappy focuser! 

I had first light with the mount last night, so can report (well, report again, I know others also use this combo) that the mount is just grand with the 130pds, wearing a telrad and a range of eyepieces (including a 2inch 30mm which probably took the whole show to close to the 5kg limit). Vibrations settled quickly and it felt fine - though my only really frame of reference here is my eq3-2 mount. I'm using an INNOREL NT364C tripod and the adm upgraded saddle both of which probably helped. 

I'd done the homework in the day of updating firmware and connecting to skysafari etc. So I found the alignment process pretty straightforward and the goto accurate enough for everything to be in the eyepiece (even though I rushed through this in my excitement). I saw sooo much more in that session than I have before. Superb. 

However, not all was well as the mount made some unwelcome noises throughout. Constantly, starting a couple of seconds after the goto settled - during tracking, there was a constant, loud (like, worrying about the neighbours loud), 'tock-ing'. It sounded like the mount was struggling and when viewing jupiter there were noticeable wobbles in time with the 'tocks'. I'd tried a friend's az-gti last week so I was not expecting any of this. The mount made the same noises when left to track without the scope attached too - I had wondered if it was a load issue, but alas no. It did seem to be related to the clutches - in that slackening them off would modulate (but not stop) it. 

I made a recording in case wiser heads have other opinions (?), but having read through previous posts I think I see other reports of the same problem and my options are to open it up for some tweaks or to return it for a replacement - I think I'll be doing the latter. 

A disappointing end to an otherwise excellent start. 

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9 hours ago, Penumbrella said:

I had first light with the mount last night, so can report (well, report again, I know others also use this combo) that the mount is just grand with the 130pds, wearing a telrad and a range of eyepieces (including a 2inch 30mm which probably took the whole show to close to the 5kg limit). Vibrations settled quickly and it felt fine - though my only really frame of reference here is my eq3-2 mount. I'm using an INNOREL NT364C tripod and the adm upgraded saddle both of which probably helped. 

I'd done the homework in the day of updating firmware and connecting to skysafari etc. So I found the alignment process pretty straightforward and the goto accurate enough for everything to be in the eyepiece (even though I rushed through this in my excitement). I saw sooo much more in that session than I have before. Superb. 

However, not all was well as the mount made some unwelcome noises throughout. Constantly, starting a couple of seconds after the goto settled - during tracking, there was a constant, loud (like, worrying about the neighbours loud), 'tock-ing'. It sounded like the mount was struggling and when viewing jupiter there were noticeable wobbles in time with the 'tocks'. I'd tried a friend's az-gti last week so I was not expecting any of this. The mount made the same noises when left to track without the scope attached too - I had wondered if it was a load issue, but alas no. It did seem to be related to the clutches - in that slackening them off would modulate (but not stop) it. 

I made a recording in case wiser heads have other opinions (?), but having read through previous posts I think I see other reports of the same problem and my options are to open it up for some tweaks or to return it for a replacement - I think I'll be doing the latter. 

A disappointing end to an otherwise excellent start. 

I'm pleased you got out with your scope and az gti again and had a brilliant session with it. The tick to king sound like you say requires the mount be opened up or returned to be serviced or replaced. You have read through the posts here so you know the issue. I used to have this and was on the RA (az) clutch. I opened mine up and adjusted the grub screw that holslds a locking ring in the gear wheel as mine was on to tight causing binding and the RA not being able to move freely. Just a question does your RA (az) bind a bit or is it free?

Send it back to the retailer you got it from and hopefully they can sort your issue. 



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8 hours ago, Penumbrella said:

I had first light with the mount last night, so can report (well, report again, I know others also use this combo) that the mount is just grand with the 130pds, wearing a telrad and a range of eyepieces (including a 2inch 30mm which probably took the whole show to close to the 5kg limit). Vibrations settled quickly and it felt fine - though my only really frame of reference here is my eq3-2 mount. I'm using an INNOREL NT364C tripod and the adm upgraded saddle both of which probably helped. 

I'd done the homework in the day of updating firmware and connecting to skysafari etc. So I found the alignment process pretty straightforward and the goto accurate enough for everything to be in the eyepiece (even though I rushed through this in my excitement). I saw sooo much more in that session than I have before. Superb. 

However, not all was well as the mount made some unwelcome noises throughout. Constantly, starting a couple of seconds after the goto settled - during tracking, there was a constant, loud (like, worrying about the neighbours loud), 'tock-ing'. It sounded like the mount was struggling and when viewing jupiter there were noticeable wobbles in time with the 'tocks'. I'd tried a friend's az-gti last week so I was not expecting any of this. The mount made the same noises when left to track without the scope attached too - I had wondered if it was a load issue, but alas no. It did seem to be related to the clutches - in that slackening them off would modulate (but not stop) it. 

I made a recording in case wiser heads have other opinions (?), but having read through previous posts I think I see other reports of the same problem and my options are to open it up for some tweaks or to return it for a replacement - I think I'll be doing the latter. 

A disappointing end to an otherwise excellent start. 

Thanks for the update @Penumbrella

It seems you got on great with your first light, especially seeing more than you have ever seen before! It sounds like you were fully loaded too!

Sorry to hear about the clutches on your mount, was they tightened up too much? At first it sounded like a load issue, but if it happened with no scope on it, I guess not.

If its new I'd send it back, opening it up would void your warranty.

Hopefully you'll get it sorted easily enough.

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2 hours ago, CKP said:

If its new I'd send it back, opening it up would void your warranty.

If you bought it from Auntie FLO then get in touch with them - they have a very reasonable approach to fixing issues on the AZ-Gti with options that don't result in the voiding of your warranty. 

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Hi folks, I've recently bought an AZ-GTI and 127 Mak combo from FLO and have a quick question. When using the SynScan app I can alter the slewing speed between 1-9. This works successfully when using the cursor keys to centre targets in the eyepiece.

However, and this is the question, it always seems to slew at maximum speed after selecting a target in the app and then hitting 'Goto'. I can't fathom out a way to lower the slewing speed for that scenario.  I'm looking to reduce the noise when the mount first goes to a target.

Can someone enlighten me please :) 

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3 hours ago, Jules Tohpipi said:

Hi folks, I've recently bought an AZ-GTI and 127 Mak combo from FLO and have a quick question. When using the SynScan app I can alter the slewing speed between 1-9. This works successfully when using the cursor keys to centre targets in the eyepiece.

However, and this is the question, it always seems to slew at maximum speed after selecting a target in the app and then hitting 'Goto'. I can't fathom out a way to lower the slewing speed for that scenario.  I'm looking to reduce the noise when the mount first goes to a target.

Can someone enlighten me please :) 


Unfortunately, that's a limitation with the Synscan app. I've highlighted it before, but there's no sign it will be changed.

You can change the speed for manual slews, but this doesn't affect the goto. As you say, it can be very noisy, and if you have a small back garden and close neighbours (I do), it can be too much at 2 a.m. in summer with all the windows open.

So instead, I turn on the secondary encoders and do most of the moves as push-to, with Skysafari guiding me. When I'm close, I lock the clutch and issue a goto for the final part, and if I'm close enough then it doesn't engage the motors at full speed, so it's very quiet.

Long-term plan: buy a house in the middle of nowhere.

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21 minutes ago, Zermelo said:


Unfortunately, that's a limitation with the Synscan app. I've highlighted it before, but there's no sign it will be changed.

You can change the speed for manual slews, but this doesn't affect the goto. As you say, it can be very noisy, and if you have a small back garden and close neighbours (I do), it can be too much at 2 a.m. in summer with all the windows open.

So instead, I turn on the secondary encoders and do most of the moves as push-to, with Skysafari guiding me. When I'm close, I lock the clutch and issue a goto for the final part, and if I'm close enough then it doesn't engage the motors at full speed, so it's very quiet.

Long-term plan: buy a house in the middle of nowhere.

Honestly if it's that noisy then it's probably binding or needs new grease as mine is perfectly acceptable for late night garden use. 

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5 minutes ago, Adam J said:

Honestly if it's that noisy then it's probably binding or needs new grease as mine is perfectly acceptable for late night garden use. 

I should have said, I have a Star Discovery mount rather than the AZ-GTi.
I was responding since the software is the same, and I've had the same question.
My mount has been the same since I bought it and, as far as I know, it behaves as it should. Possibly the AZ-GTi is inherently quieter.

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17 hours ago, Zermelo said:


Unfortunately, that's a limitation with the Synscan app. I've highlighted it before, but there's no sign it will be changed.

You can change the speed for manual slews, but this doesn't affect the goto. As you say, it can be very noisy, and if you have a small back garden and close neighbours (I do), it can be too much at 2 a.m. in summer with all the windows open.

So instead, I turn on the secondary encoders and do most of the moves as push-to, with Skysafari guiding me. When I'm close, I lock the clutch and issue a goto for the final part, and if I'm close enough then it doesn't engage the motors at full speed, so it's very quiet.

Long-term plan: buy a house in the middle of nowhere.

Thank you very much indeed for clarifying. I'm in the exact same situation you describe. Our neighbourhood is very respectful towards each other with regards noise pollution. So slewing around at the maximum rate during the height of summer in the early hours would not be the etiquette. But no problem in autumn and winter when everyone has their windows closed. 

I'll use the technique you describe instead. I have Skysafari but have not connected it to the scope yet but have been reading about how to do that. So I'll enable the encoders in the SW app and give it all a go - as my learning process on this new latest scope and mount continues!


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5 minutes ago, bomberbaz said:

another sterling effort Lee, nice work indeed. BTW it's not that noisy pal, your just over self critical.

Thank you Steve, very kind, I think we are all self critical of our work, kind of what makes us want to improve more. 

The az gti performed well last night guiding around 0.7-1.7, regularly under 1.0, settle times after some dither were longer but I'll take it. Could of had more data but lost 2 hours fiddling with the tilt and backspacing, finally got to bed at 3.30am.



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2 minutes ago, beamer3.6m said:

Quick question

Can the az-gti be mounted directly to the skywatcher tripod which is used for an heq5.

I have an heq5 but it's heavy and awkward for me at the mo,  but can I utilise the tripod to save on the purchase cost of gti???

The bumf on Flo's page states it is a 1.75 tripod, if that be the case the answer should be yes. Caveat, some of these tripods have a metal locking protusion that engages with the mount and this might be the same.

I will put a picture up of mine later, mine works with it.

Sky-Watcher HEQ5 PRO Go-To Astronomy Mount | First Light Optics

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13 minutes ago, beamer3.6m said:

Quick question

Can the az-gti be mounted directly to the skywatcher tripod which is used for an heq5.

I have an heq5 but it's heavy and awkward for me at the mo,  but can I utilise the tripod to save on the purchase cost of gti???

I use the skywatcher 3/8 inch steel tripod here from FLO 


I fit mine via the extension pillar. 

I'm not sure of the difference between my tripod and the heq5 one but as long as the bolt is a 3/4 one and no North peg you should be fine. I think there's a puck you buy incase of the North peg.  I did read this on flos page about the heq5 tripod...


Picture shows the 3/8" version of the tripod, this version is identical except for the top which has a different screw thread and an additional azimuth alignment pin.




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53 minutes ago, bomberbaz said:

Top of mine 


Could someone do me a favour and measure the diameter of that central "well"?

Also, does that 3/8" bolt in the picture push up from where it's shown, above the level of the top flange?

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