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  1. adyj1


    If you do manage to achieve this I suggest keeping it to yourself. Robert Brown has had many requests to provide ASIAIR compatibility for myFocuserPro, but has not done so because he says he'd have ZWO lawyers on the phone...
  2. When I committed to 1.25" filters I noted from an online resource that the maximum sensor size (across the diagonal) for 1.25" filters is just over 22mm. Your APS-C sensor is 28.3mm diagonal... Ady
  3. Vlaiv, how old was your ender 3? I don't know if you've seen the newer V3 version, but a very experienced 3d printing chum of mine got an ender v3 and it 'just works'. Out of the box it was doing in-place articulated print jobs that I was very envious of. (I have a heavily modded original Ender 5). If it falls in your budget I think the ender v3 is a great choice. Ady
  4. (Patriot Astro YouTube channel is another great resource for NINA tutorials.
  5. What infill percentage did you use? I must admit, I've printed a few astro bits at 100% for peace of mind - even though it shouldn't strictly be necessary.
  6. Can I ask why the DC 5521 barrel connectors aren't considered to be adequate? I got rid of any cigarette lighter connectors on my cables and toyed with using two-pin GX12 aviation connecters - but decided to stick with the 5521's as the centre-positive wiring is a common standard and I'd never had any problems with them. Ady
  7. Apologies, I should not have relied on memory - you are correct. I haven't bothered with a power meter as my simple understanding of lifepo4 is that it maintains the steady voltage then drops off quickly. I probably should add one.
  8. I can confirm that Virgin Atlantic only allow 2 x 100Wh batteries, and I purchased similar batteries to @Adam Jwhen I travelled in September 2023. (British Airways allowed 2 x150Wh). The VA website said to ring the help desk if you were carrying these batteries, which I dutifully did a couple of weeks before the flight. Having taken all my flight details, I expected some extra checks at check-in, but nothing happened - at no time did anyone ask anything about batteries... I don't have anything as fancy as Adam for connecting the batteries in the field - a diy barrel power connector wired to two pairs of spade connectors so they are both connected at the same time. My diy 1-to-4 3d-printed power box has five 5.5/2.1 barrel sockets, with one fused for input. This worked a treat with an AP rig of AZ-Gti, NUC PC, and ASI533MC Pro. (I didn't need dew straps on account of being in the mojave desert 😁)
  9. £39! - that's an excellent price. I have similar 12v 8AH LiFePO4 batteries that I bought last August and paid £48. I was allowed to take two on a Virgin flight to the US - they had to carried in hand luggage, so just as well they are very light. I also got a dedicated LiFePO4 charger from Amazon for £30. I'll be using it to power my HEM27 in the field (bought after the US trip). [ weak attempt to get things back on topic 😉 ] Ady
  10. There's a horizon creator plugin in NINA - you slew your telescope along your visible horizon and click a button at each point you move up or down. The file it creates is the list of numbers you need. Worked well for me
  11. I had one of these with an astroeq... 3d printing is your friend - there are bases that can be printed which fill in that gap, in fact they are designed to house the whole stepper motor. Found this on thingiverse as an example Ady
  12. I had one of these with an astroeq... 3d printing is your friend - there are bases that can be printed which fill in that gap, in fact they are designed to house the whole stepper motor. Ill try to dig out pictures... Ady
  13. You have the jump on me with that, for sure 😉. For one thing, I forgot the BMS was in the battery not the charger... I will always bow to real-world proven experience, and you have clearly explained the reasons for your advice. Thank you 👍
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