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Skywatcher AZ GTI mount owners thread


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Hi all

This will hopefully be the new thread for all things regarding the skywatcher Az Gti mount. Please share anything you think is relevant or ask any questions regarding this stunning and very capable mount. I'm hoping that this will become the central hub for this mount and the place to come to for advice, help, information and knowledge for the Az Gti. Share your images of your mount and set up along with images captured or experiences observing with it. I've owned mine since May this year and use it with my sw 72ed ds pro, asi air pro, zwo asi294mc pro (used to use a canon 600d) in EQ mode. Even though its mot meant for astrophotography it sure can pull out some brilliant performances. I live in a 1st floor flat and portability is key for me and the goto functionality is a godsend to setup quickly. So feel free to ask anything and other az gti owners can help and advise. 








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45 minutes ago, badhex said:

Thanks @AstroNebulee, great idea. More than happy to contribute and help out if I can. 

Here's my AZ-GTi and its usual companion, a ZS73:



Thank you @badhex, you gave me the push to start the thread, hope it will gives others a place to seek help or show their set ups on the az gti. Definitely a much valued contributor to this thread👍

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31 minutes ago, badhex said:

Thinking about it, a good place to start is the Skywatcher webcast on the AZ-GTi which I posted in another thread but has a good overview of the mount and discusses some interesting points:


Perfect @badhexjust the sort of advice needed on here, top work thank you 

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Also a good place to add the latest firmware update for the az gti mount update 3.37 is now available. This update sorts a bug on a certain board used in the mount. 

The link is here.


You can either  update via WiFi using the WiFi version of the motor controller firmware loader or the best way is to use a ftdi USB cable and use the pc direct motor controller firmware loader programme. When updating using either way make sure your laptop providing the update has its Internet disconnected on both wifi and Lan as this will hopefully stop the bricking or failure to update the mount. 





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What's the issue with the 'ticking' I sometimes get when tracking? 

I'm not seeing any impact at the eyepiece, which tracks smoothly, but would this show up if I was trying to do any imaging? 

Is it a problem caused by balance, or are there any DIY maintenance issues that can be done to resolve the issue? 

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31 minutes ago, Gfamily said:

What's the issue with the 'ticking' I sometimes get when tracking? 

I'm not seeing any impact at the eyepiece, which tracks smoothly, but would this show up if I was trying to do any imaging? 

Is it a problem caused by balance, or are there any DIY maintenance issues that can be done to resolve the issue? 

I will search out for any other posts or resources in the Internet about the ticking. Hopefully another AzGti user will of had the same issue to be able to help you firstly. I'm not sure if I had the ticking or clicking issue before but it could be related to either the RA or Dec clutches to tight mayor try slackening them off a touch to see if the issue remains. 

I did follow a guide on the Internet about stripping down and regreasing the mount.

When the clutches are totally slackened off does the mount move freely without binding? If the RA is binding you can add a homemade plastic washer as shown in this video 

You can do as much as you like regarding the strip down, I just regreased the whole workings and altered how tight the locking ring is by the grub screws that on the sides of the locking ring (circled in orange, not my image) I found to tight and it was binding and to loose it was just not gripping enough, it was a case of small increments. 

Sorry if this is all baffling and a lot to take in but it may help you. 


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7 hours ago, Gfamily said:

What's the issue with the 'ticking' I sometimes get when tracking? 

I'm not seeing any impact at the eyepiece, which tracks smoothly, but would this show up if I was trying to do any imaging? 

Is it a problem caused by balance, or are there any DIY maintenance issues that can be done to resolve the issue? 

As per @AstroNebulee reply above, I have not had the issue myself but read the same issue has come up a few times in posts on SGL. If the mount is within warranty it might be worth contacting the vendor in the first instance. That said, the washer replacement technique seems to be quite successful if you're willing to give it a go. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thought I would add an image of my AZ GTI - I bought it as a compact travel solution for UK holidays as taking my AVX on a previous trip had proved a challenge. The case is a MacAllistair case (£41 with foam insert from B&Q) - everything else except the counterweight from FLO! The OTA is a Williams Optics ZS61

AZ GTI Travel kit.jpg

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1 hour ago, Shimrod said:

Thought I would add an image of my AZ GTI - I bought it as a compact travel solution for UK holidays as taking my AVX on a previous trip had proved a challenge. The case is a MacAllistair case (£41 with foam insert from B&Q) - everything else except the counterweight from FLO! The OTA is a Williams Optics ZS61

AZ GTI Travel kit.jpg

Thank you for posting your az gti image. That's a really nice compact travel case and a very nice scope indeed. What osc do you have there? 

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6 minutes ago, Elp said:

I'm still trying to overcome the declination runaway issue when autoguiding. Just updated to 3.37 and am yet to trial it.

What firmware version we're you using prior to the 3.37 update? I found the 3.36 one to solve mine. I haven't updated to 3.37 as of yet. I did also take apart my mount and grease everything up too. What do you have set up on your az gti? 

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42 minutes ago, AstroNebulee said:

Thank you for posting your az gti image. That's a really nice compact travel case and a very nice scope indeed. What osc do you have there? 

The guidecam is an ASI120mm and the main camera is an ASI533. I've had the mount since May and the full set up since September, and this is about as much action as it has seen! I had a week in Skye and managed to get a bit of visual observing in between clouds on a couple of nights, but the weather so far this year has been awful.

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1 hour ago, Shimrod said:

The guidecam is an ASI120mm and the main camera is an ASI533. I've had the mount since May and the full set up since September, and this is about as much action as it has seen! I had a week in Skye and managed to get a bit of visual observing in between clouds on a couple of nights, but the weather so far this year has been awful.

That's a nice osc, I'm holding out for a zwo asi 294mc pro as it'll give me a bigger FOV with my sw 72ed, else I'd of gone for the 553. Totally agree with you on the weather being rubbish, I've not had my scope out since 13th October and not looking good anytime sdoon, at this rate my target of the witches head nebula and HH nebula will be gone. Let's hope you get clear skies soon. 👍

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46 minutes ago, SuburbanMak said:

@AstroNebulee thank you for setting up the thread, great idea. Here’s mine in ancient & modern mode carrying a c1900 Clarkson 3inch f15.


Hi @SuburbanMak, thank you, just thought that us proud AZ GTI owners should have a thread to show off our mounts or any issues and help that can be given in one place. Your sure have a great scope there and such a special one too. Hope you have clear skies 👍

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15 minutes ago, Ags said:

Great thread! Bookmarking this.

Here is my AZ-GTI with its various optical companions.


Thank you @Ags, your mount is proving very versatile there with many combinations on it, love the use of your planetary camera and lens,and a proper back garden to use it from, very jealous indeed, clear skies 😊

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8 hours ago, Shimrod said:

Thought I would add an image of my AZ GTI - I bought it as a compact travel solution for UK holidays as taking my AVX on a previous trip had proved a challenge. The case is a MacAllistair case (£41 with foam insert from B&Q) - everything else except the counterweight from FLO! The OTA is a Williams Optics ZS61

AZ GTI Travel kit.jpg

Brilliant case setup here, very professional. I'll post my (not so professional) travel setup too! 

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Has had a bit of a rejig since this (mostly the eyepieces) but here's my travel kit in an Airport Essentials backpack. The AZ-GTi, diagonal and a couple of misc bits are wrapped in microfibre cloth bags which came in a set of three sizes.

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6 hours ago, badhex said:


Has had a bit of a rejig since this (mostly the eyepieces) but here's my travel kit in an Airport Essentials backpack. The AZ-GTi, diagonal and a couple of misc bits are wrapped in microfibre cloth bags which came in a set of three sizes.

Love how compact you have managed to stow everything in there, perfect for taking on holiday 👌

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13 hours ago, badhex said:


Has had a bit of a rejig since this (mostly the eyepieces) but here's my travel kit in an Airport Essentials backpack. The AZ-GTi, diagonal and a couple of misc bits are wrapped in microfibre cloth bags which came in a set of three sizes.

That's a nice compact package - I bought the Skywatcher wedge over the better reviewed Williams Optics one because I want to be able to take the mount to Iceland. For any trips like that, the case and OTA will stay behind and I will pack the mount/wedge into my camera bag. The case is too heavy to with by plane and I would have to leave my camera behind.

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