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Hello SGL!

Maxim Usatov

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Hi All,

Just joined this forum and thought I'd introduce myself. I've recently moved from Prague to the UK, and now live in London. I've been an amateur astronomer since 2006, obtained my MSc in Astronomy in 2018 for reasons unknown. My interest is a little bit of everything - this, perhaps, can be summarized as chasing for the pleasure of collecting and mapping general information about our Universe in the attempt to understand how we have all happened to be, and how do I fit in here. As somebody said - give hydrogen a few billion years and it will begin wondering about itself... I do some research in spare time, mostly had some success in finding new variable stars and optically variable quasars via data mining techniques using data from space and ground telescopes, such as WISE and PanSTARRS. Recently, I joined the discussion about the Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis by proposing it was actually an impact of a Main Belt asteroid excited by planetary resonances.

I have a 90 f/5.6 mm refractor and 210 mm f/11.5 Dall–Kirkham telescopes which I use to observe. Although as I now live in an apartment without a balcony under Bortle 9, I'm mostly doing star-hopping exercises and detecting bright clusters only. I am looking for an astronomy club to join, as still trying to figure out how to occasionally be able to get to dark skies.

My astronomy home is located at trafyx.com if anyone would like to take a look.

Thank you!


Edited by Maxim Usatov
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Welcome, a number of clubs in/around london, depends which part of the “land of light pollution” you live in. Many have observing sessions “out of town” where the skies are less illuminated.


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