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Great Conjunction 2060

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With the lockdown and almost constant cloud cover, life is rather boring at the moment.  So I had a look at future great conjunctions.  2041 as far as I can tell is no closer than 6 degrees, pretty much a non event compared with our 6 minutes!  But April 2060 is a different kettle of fish.  Appears to get as close as 67 minutes.  Not bad at all, but look at what else is happening!  This is a screenshot from Skymap Pro.  At the start of full darkness Jupiter is still over 20 degrees altitude.  An almost first quarter Moon (not in frame) is 35 degrees away so not too intrusive.   Venus bang on top of the Pleiades and all in the frame of an APS sensor at 150 mm focal length.  Quite a sight.   A couple of days earlier a crescent moon is also close enough for a great photo with 100 mm lens and Jupiter and Saturn seperated by 69 minutes.  Phew!   Alas I would be 117 by then - anybody know a cryogenic company? 🥶  But a great opportunity for you young'uns out there - a date for your diaries.

Cheers, and keep safe




Edited by petevasey
Added second screenshot
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What a great series of events in short time frame! Must be a wonderful sight.

Oh, and a year later Halley's comet is back - with a much more favourable apparation than in 1986.

Edited by Waddensky
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On 14/01/2021 at 11:09, Alan White said:

Do you need to ask Peter?
Obviously 100% cloud 2 minutes before and until 5 minutes after, then Clear Skies....

That more or less describes the 99 total in Cornwall for me.... 😏

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  • 2 months later...

Two heart attacks and a GIST induced small bowel resection have taken a step or so. Good thing I don’t need much to gaze at the sky. When that stops being fun I’ll stop doing it (sky watching). I imagine creeking older me sitting out at night, hell I went out with a broken ankle BEFORE surgery to fix!!

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