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I notice there is a TEC 140 for sale and thought @ollypenrice should know about it. I am not sure if I can say which FB selling page its on. NOTHING TO DO WITH ME. Seller lives in Spain. The seller was just doing a talk the other week. David Wills from Pixel Skies

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I know Dave and would have absolute confidence in him. We already have two here so a third would be hard to justify!  I absolutely love this instrument both for visual and for imaging. For APS-C sensors and up it will need the TEC flattener (don't buy any other alternative) and then it has a flat field big enough to land a Spitfire on. The flattener, according to many people including myself, further improves colour correction. I managed without it, but only just, using a 15mm square sensor for a while.


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I saw the ad and was tempted but I have an Esprit 150 doing the same job, hopefully as good. But I am a sucker for buying telscopes (to the great distress of my limited wallet) so I was really tempted by this ad.... SO GO FOR IT BEFORE I CHANGE MY MIND!

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4 hours ago, ollypenrice said:

They do appear from time to time. Don't despair. Both halves of our dual rig arrived from the used market.


I would have snapped it up, but needed to shift something else quickly to help pay for it.

Not to be however, maybe next time.

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  • 3 weeks later...
3 hours ago, Jonk said:

Well, a bit of good fortune and a large heavy box was delivered today!

I’m now a very pleased owner of a TEC140ed!

Congratulations. You will love it!! I love my TEC scope, amazing on planets and lunar

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