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Hello, From Newcastle, UK


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Newbie to astronomy here. My wife has always had an interest so I got her a Skywatcher 200p for xmas and I got hooked. I spend more time on it than she does. Ive learnt a lot of basics since then but I've still got so much to learn. I'm starting to get into astro imaging as well as visual. I took the pic below with my dslr attached to dob. It took me two weeks of playing to get anythign other than a white blur or a dark blur.... I'm also a newbie at photography recently so that probably doesnt help! Ive just bought a sky adventurer and an evostar 72ed so I'm sure I'll be asking a lot of questions about those as well as general astronomy :) I've already asked a couple of questions on the forums and received great advice.

Look forward to learning from you all.


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Hi Rusty, a very warm welcome from me way down south, it sounds like you're into a great journey of discovery, just as I was when I got into the hobby.  I too started with the 200P, but the EQ mounted version, now I use my C100ED more as I became partially disabled after a stroke in 2010.  Funnily enough, my story is similar to yours, I bought my wife a telescope for Christmas and then got hooked myself. So the thing is, have fun and you will learn all the time.  Clear skies!

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Welcome to the forum!

Lovely picture- a 200p and a DSLR are a brilliant combo for full disc pictures of the moon. You might find a faster exposure will give you a little more detail.

I bought my 200p Dob at the start of my interest in this hobby 5 years ago and it's a wonderful scope. The views it renders of the moon in the eyepiece are epic, it's pretty good on planets and has enough aperture to go after DSOs- especially at a dark site.

The only danger is that in my case it fuelled an unexpected and hopeless addiction with the night sky. I now own 5 scopes, 3 cameras and countless bits and pieces. I am both poorer and happier. 

You have been warned! 😉😁


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Welcome to SGL Rusty. 

That moon image is a great start!

Its a long and complex winding road if you follow the astro photography route, and aspire to the level of some of the amazing photographers on here, so my advice would be to take it step by step and learn from people’s experiences on here, but above all enjoy it. It’s a cracking hobby. 

Clear skies!

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