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Everything posted by Drakester

  1. Many thanks for the advice Wayne, but that wasn’t my experience in this case. Whilst the current multi adaptors might be reversible, the one I purchased c.2012 from Altair Astro in the UK certainly wasn’t. I even tried turning it over. Altair astro and other users above confirmed this at the time and I purchased a multi adaptor which works a treat with my EQ-6R.
  2. Hi guys. I was having a bit of a shocker last night getting my new eq6-r pro guiding nicely. (>1.00” error) I took a photo of my EQMOD settings before packing up, and noticed today that I have the “RA Reverse” box ticked in EQMOD in the slew controls section? My last PHD guiding graph shows RA getting worse and worse. Could this be because the box is ticked? Cheers.
  3. Welcome Tom! The black hole in your wallet will only get larger unfortunately as you get further into Astrophotography, but it’s worth it! I bet those AZ skies are amazing. The UK is 98% permanent cloud.
  4. Welcome back to the hobby Manji. I’ve recently returned from a long break, but am fully addicted again now. It’s a cracking hobby. Enjoy yourself. SGL is a fountain of knowledge should you need any help. Clear skies.
  5. Welcome to SGL Rusty. That moon image is a great start! Its a long and complex winding road if you follow the astro photography route, and aspire to the level of some of the amazing photographers on here, so my advice would be to take it step by step and learn from people’s experiences on here, but above all enjoy it. It’s a cracking hobby. Clear skies!
  6. Welcome to SGL Ed. There’ll most likely be an answer to your alignment issues on here if you search. If not, just post a question and you’ll bound to get a knowledgable reply ASAP, almost guaranteed! Clear skies!
  7. Welcome to SGL Ron! Every day will be a school day for you whilst you are learning this amazing hobby, but there are lots of fantastic teachers on here Clear skies!
  8. Thanks for the advice guys. I hadn't even considered getting the old adaptor re-milled. Mark huge thanks for the offer I did briefly explore making one from a car brake disc, as some people seem to have done that with some success. Unfortunately I've already bitten the bullet and have a new one on the way from RVO. I'll get the old one on the SGL classifieds, ABS etc to try and recoup some cash
  9. Just heard back from Altair, and my adapter is apparently an old version which doesn't fit the EQ6-R mount. They have pointed me in the direction of their newer multi pier adapter which supports the EQ6-R. Cheers.
  10. Hi guys. I upgraded my HEQ5 for and EQ6-R Pro today, but am having problems connecting the mount head to my Altair Skyshed Pier. The HEQ5 adaptor plate doesn’t fit the base of the EQ6-R, and it just rests on top leaving a gap of about 5mm between adaptor and mount. It looks like the adaptor recess for the mount to sit in isnt quite large enough in diameter. (Photos attached) Ive contacted Altair, and am waiting for a reply. Does anyone know of an adaptor which may fit, or another workaround? Cheers. Matt.
  11. Welcome and happy new year! Enjoy those super Suffolk skies, my folks are from the Suffolk coast and I’m always envious of their clear dark skies
  12. Welcome from Yorkshire Lee, and good luck for your foray into the world of astro imaging
  13. Welcome to SGL. There are loads of super helpful people on here. Enjoy that 200P !
  14. Thanks guys. John - I’ll have a go at checking the focuser alignment. I’ve got a laser I use for collimating my Dob. What is the best way of seeing whether the laser is exiting the objective in the centre? Just line of sight? Thanks.
  15. So, after owning my Meade 127mm ED APO for approx ten years (purchased second-hand), I’ve decided to have a think about getting it serviced (I.e. cleaned and potentially collimated) This is my main imaging scope I purchased a Cheshire eyepiece as a quick way of checking collimation, and here is the result (taken afocal with an iPhone, so not overly scientifically done..) What do you guys think? This looks ok-ish to me? The donuts are slightly out of sync, but look ok compared to some of the examples on Google that I’ve seen. Any thoughts appreciated. Cheers .
  16. Hi Michael, Im in a similar boat to you, currently researching my first proper CCD/CMOS after predominantly using my Canon DSLR for the last few years. “Pixel scale” appears to be quite an important factor when considering matching CCD specs to specific scopes. There’s a useful calculator in the top section above under Resources> Astronomy tools> CCD suitabilty which may help. Hope this helps.
  17. I doubt if they honestly care, seeing as this is the same guy who’s Tesla roadster is currently orbiting the sun, and who’s unused mini submarine is currently sat outside a cave in Thailand... UK based Oneweb and Amazon are also planning similar launches. Is anyone actually policing this anywhere?
  18. check the thread above. Sadly I can’t think that a petition will do much against the space-grab, but it’s worth signing this just in case. Worrying times for astronomy, both professional and amateur
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