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Show me your eyepiece/accessories case, please.


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Heres my current set minus a Skywatcher Aero ED 40mm which won't fit in the case !:

how mu8ch did those cost you? im a total beginner and that big fat green one made me drool..... jesus christ plz do tell me

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how much did those cost you? im a total beginner and that big fat green one made me drool.....

Too much probably, although most of them were bought used :)

Quite a lot of the low power, very wide angle eyepieces are pretty fat, and heavy - they seem to need big lumps of glass in them to do their stuff.

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I got one of these £19.99 but i use it for what it was made for along with other cases with tools in Thats in my work shop. Iv got to get round to making a case for my EPs and so on One thing though i made a battery box with different fittings as well as storage for various cables all 12V of course..


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Hey all, I made a thread about my cases but didn't realise this was here!

I bought a couple of those flight cases from Maplins while they were in the offer. I figured I would have one for my photographic stuff and one for observing kit (even though I don't plan to do much astrophotography).

The cases are really good for the 20 quid I paid. Unfortunately they have jumped back up to 35 quid again. So anyone who is interested but patient should probably just wait as they can go down as far as 15 quid.

I don't want to make a start on the second case until I can make some final decisions on some eyepieces for my future scope. Does anyone have an idea about fitting an 8" Bahtinov mask in a case like this?




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My Eyepiece Case (latest)

The contents of my eyepiece case have been changed around a bit since getting the 3.7 SX Ethos but here's what's in it now.

  • Televue 3.7mm SX Ethos
  • Televue 6mm Ethos
  • Televue 13nn Ethos
  • Televue 35mm Panoptic
  • Penatx XF 6.5-19mm Zoom
  • 1.5x APO (Japanese) Barlow element

With the 1.5x Barlow element this gives me a 2.46mm, 3.7mm, 4.0mm, 8.6mm and 13mm Ethos line-up, although really the Barlow is only used with the 13mm to give 8.6mm. The Barlow element is the one that comes with the A&E Supreme Barlow and it's a Japanese made triplet APO that works extremely well, although at around £88.00 it's not cheap for a 1.25" Barlow. The Pentax zoom is a nice lightweight and compact zoom and is primarily used for solar viewing although it also performs well in regular night-time use.

All in all this gives me whatever mag I want in just one compact eyepiece case.


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i got this case from Maplins and have got all my stuff in it.

even got power cables and Synscan hand controller in, as well as my webcam. When i go out with scope i only take this one case with me now!!

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My Eyepiece Case (latest)

The contents of my eyepiece case have been changed around a bit since getting the 3.7 SX Ethos but here's what's in it now.

  • Televue 3.7mm SX Ethos
  • Televue 6mm Ethos
  • Televue 13nn Ethos
  • Televue 35mm Panoptic
  • Penatx XF 6.5-19mm Zoom
  • 1.5x APO (Japanese) Barlow element

With the 1.5x Barlow element this gives me a 2.46mm, 3.7mm, 4.0mm, 8.6mm and 13mm Ethos line-up, although really the Barlow is only used with the 13mm to give 8.6mm. The Barlow element is the one that comes with the A&E Supreme Barlow and it's a Japanese made triplet APO that works extremely well, although at around £88.00 it's not cheap for a 1.25" Barlow. The Pentax zoom is a nice lightweight and compact zoom and is primarily used for solar viewing although it also performs well in regular night-time use.

All in all this gives me whatever mag I want in just one compact eyepiece case.


DROOL!!!!! What a collection!:D

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That 3.7mm Ethos looks massive! Only five main eyepieces in that cast too and yet so many magnifications and exit pupils are catered for. Well thought out.


Yes that 3.7 is a bit of a beast isn't it :D

Just for interest I've weighed the eyepieces.

  • Televue 3.7mm SX Ethos - 590 g.
  • Televue 6mm Ethos - 440 g.
  • Televue 13nn Ethos - 565 g.
  • Televue 35mm Panoptic - 720 g.
  • Penatx XF 6.5-19mm Zoom - 240 g.
  • 1.5x APO (Japanese) Barlow element - 28 g.


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Here's mine. Standard Maplins case with cutouts for EP's, finders, Cheshire, tools, battery pack and hand controller plus a red light torch.

I also fitted a string of red LED fairy lights to the lid :D


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