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Show me your eyepiece/accessories case, please.


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Now surely that would only be to ensure delivery can be taken during working hours?

Are you suggesting/implying some subterfuge here, Derek?

Heaven forfend!

Mrs Floater says I must be mistaken to imagine such nuance ... (bless her).

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Hi Indibush

I envy you, sounds like you perhaps make your living from music?

I just like banging out a few power chords to relieve the stress of daily living, haven't played in a band since I was a young man in the 70s though..

Watching the skies and good rock music. What could be better??:-)


Hahaha. You've nothing to be envious about Dave. Iv not played in bands for many years. These days I play in church. Still love it though.

Watching the skies and good rock music as you put, a friend of mine put it, I'm all Bass and Space...

Love to jam with you one day

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haven't played in a band since I was a young man in the 70s though..

Watching the skies and good rock music. What could be better??:-)


Now that's the attitude I like!  In his 70's and playing in a band - still seeing himself as young!:)

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What a load of old rubbish Alan :p

If you had invested in that Revelation eyepiece and filter set a couple of years back as I suggested you would have saved youself a lot of trouble and just need one small case ! :rolleyes2:

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There could be one to add to it very soon, I keep looking at the TH site and nearly sent an e-mail last night while the lightning was flying around everwhere, more sparks today they say and 3 inch of rain so if I am bored I might press the button tonight. However if the forecast is correct we will not have power.


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There could be one to add to it very soon, I keep looking at the TH site and nearly sent an e-mail last night while the lightning was flying around everwhere, more sparks today they say and 3 inch of rain so if I am bored I might press the button tonight. However if the forecast is correct we will not have power.


4.7mm something or other ? :grin:

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While I have power, it's been off twice already as the rain hammers down.

Yes I am very close to convincing myself I need a 4.7mm E.  The spare Paracorr, it's a nice piece of kit but don't read my review or you may want your money back.

The daft thing is the case on the left only arrived a week before I went on the Derek slim fast diet, I don't know what to put in them now.


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Alan, you haven't read the sequel to my Slim-Fast Diet book have you? Each period of excessive dieting must be  followed by a slightly more excessive bout of "Binge-Buying" just to make sure you don't end up in the predicament you currently find yourself in :wink:

Let me help you: click here  :grin:

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Interesting that you are selling your XW 5mm, have the 4.5mm Delos and are considering the 4.7mm E. As you know I have the 6mm E and the 5mm XW. Looking at it very critically I reckon the XW is probably very slightly better than the E on the sort of things I use that magnification for. I'm wonder if the 4.7 E, apart from the big FoV gain, would really deliver anything for me, other than satisfying curiosity ?

I still might get a rush of blood to the head and go for the 4.7mm E at some point but I'm not convinced enough at present.

Ask me another day and I might be thinking differently though ! :rolleyes2:

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It is all about power really, the XW5 is a very good eyepiece, as good as anything on the market, maybe a tad better than Delos though there is no exact match apart from 10mm and up, I'm still not sure on that my opinion seems to change from night to night.

My APO is 805mm F/L so it gives me X160 as near as makes no difference. a bit on the low side, the 4.5mmD gives me X178, ideal for Jupiter. On the 190mm my 6mm will give me X166 so sort of does the job there. I have not used the 5mm for a long time and that a shame.

Ok it could be said that 5mm would give a nice round X200 on the one scope but with the much larger apperture and my good seeing X222 (4.5mm D) and up to X250 (4mm Radian) is no reall problem.

Apart from that its down to, I want to know what 110 degree field is like.

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As a regular seller of astro kit it always makes me smile when I'm given a business address to deliver items to :lol:[/quote

Make the most of this option while you can. My employer ( a Whitehall government department) has just announced it will no longer handle any private packages. If they'd given a bit of warning I'd have pressed the button on the Leica zoom and Lunt double stack filter I've been promising myself. The only option now is to find a new job.

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As a regular seller of astro kit it always makes me smile when I'm given a business address to deliver items to :lol:[/quote

Make the most of this option while you can. My employer ( a Whitehall government department) has just announced it will no longer handle any private packages. If they'd given a bit of warning I'd have pressed the button on the Leica zoom and Lunt double stack filter I've been promising myself. The only option now is to find a new job.

no don't do that - you'd miss all of the insightful comments and sparkling wit that abounds within such organisations!  :grin:

yes, I too have been 'there'! :smiley: (for a while and then I had to respond to that siren call of sanity!) :smiley:

Edited by mcolbert
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I had a TAL 100 RT refractor delivered to my work address many years ago. Back then the TAL's came in large wooden crates and this one had come all the way from the TAL factory in Siberia - it still had it's factory seals intact.

My colleages said they thought it was a small coffin when it was delivered !

I ought to add that I did this because myself and my family were on an extended holiday in the USA at the time, rather than any subterfuge :rolleyes2:

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I love this thread but it mainly gives detail of the eyepieces rather than the cases. I have a cheap Maplin case which is now looking a bit worse for wear and the 'cubed' foam insert is all over the place. Can anyone recommend a good case that's not too expensive, preferably with foam that can be cut rather than the cubed stuff? Apologies if there is another thread somewhere but I can't find it.

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