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Show me your eyepiece/accessories case, please.


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I was going to get into Bino viewing, I had two 24mm Panoptics but no bino viewer ( thats what you call doing it about face) I sold one the week before I flew to England which was a shame because a site member PM'ed me and asked if I had one spare.

Naemeth, nice work there with the puns.


that was me, at least I got the 22mm before you got one :tongue:

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Alan, That's a lovely collection of eyepieces. Can't wait to see your collection when you start binoviewing

Just out of interest, is there any particular reason why 21 and 10 Ethos is kept in one case while the 8,13 and 17 is kept in another?

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At the time I got the first case I didn't have the 21 and 10, it is as simple as that. Do you think I should have a case for Ethos only? These cases are cracking value but they never seem to have more than one at a time. I have fallen out with TS but that is the only place you can get them, 43 quid I think they are excellent, they really are almost as good as Peli, I have 4 of them and they are now about 85-90 quid each this size.


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It's not a bad idea to have parfocal eyepieces in the same case. My cases used to be quite chaotic as well, because different eyepieces was added at different time.

Eventually I bought some foam from fleabay and reorganised them into two sets once I was happy with my collection.

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It's not a bad idea to have parfocal eyepieces in the same case. My cases used to be quite chaotic as well, because different eyepieces was added at different time.

Eventually I bought some foam from fleabay and reorganised them into two sets once I was happy with my collection.

and after you were heppy. then you bought some more, heheh.
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My wife walked in as I was taking the photo and asked what I was doing. "Taking a photo of my eyepiece case" I reasonably replied. I think it brought tears to her eyes.


might have done had you told her how much it REALLY cost, hahaha :grin:

ps, is that a 1.25 variable polarised filter in there?


Edited by bomberbaz
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When I came back from my visit to Green Witch near Leeds with a 35mm Panoptic and a 6mm Delos, my daughter, who had been nagging me to get a big trampoline for the garden, instantly went on the internet to work out the total price. Once the truth was known, I agreed it would take a cold-hearted dad no to yield to the trampoline request. I guess I'm cold-hearted then.

It is a 1.25" adjustable polarising filter! That's impressive spotting. I ordered it for last week's full-moon Cumbrian Star Party. It came yesterday.

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I think my EP case really is complete now, from top left ES maxvision 16mm....BST 18mm BST 25mm....Baader turret x2.25 barlow

next row down is 5mm 7mm 9mm 12.5mm circle T ortho`s, with a space reserved for the 4mm if i ever get a set of dust caps

last row is 18mm BGO....25mm circle T ortho and 32mm Revelation photo/visual plossl, and a little white case with some filters.

Only thing i may change is the barlow, still not 100% sure its the right one for me


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  • 2 weeks later...

Tinker, Nice collection of Pentax's, really good eyepieces.

Rowan, Portable it better than my lot sometimes, if I went somewhere and took all of them I would need another car.


or just replace the current one with a Ford Transit (or Renault Escape, as we did, nothing to do with me wanting to bring all the kit along on holidays :rolleyes:).

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The 22T4 is very very tasty indeed. The only problem is you get an appetite for the 17T4 and 12T4. There just one cure for that, and you know what it is, deep down in your heart ;)

very true Michael,that feeling isn't even deep in my heart its dribbling over the side, I have a 16mm nirvana which I love, but the 12 sounds good :cool:

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Some nice glass on show, especially yours Tinker. Loving the Pentax. I want the collection of delos though :grin:

Still waiting for my last 2 or maybe three ep purchase before I put my final collection up for viewing :cool:

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