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Show me your eyepiece/accessories case, please.


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it depends on the target really. the key with narrowband filters is exit pupil rather than focal length of eyepiece but I don't really worry about it.

e.g. the other night in the 6" f11 I was using the Oiii for :

the Veil 26mm Nagler exit pupil 2.36mm

the Dumbbell 26mm Nagler and 13mm Ethos (EP 1.18mm)

NGC 6210 (planetary neb) 9mm BGO (EP 0.81mm)

I think I read once that the ideal exit pupil is between about 2-4mm but obviously this can be pushed like most 'rules'. Personally I just use the one that looks best and ignore the 'impossible' talk.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Eyepieces arrived in the post yesterday but I didn't think I'd get to post the Eyepiece Case pic so soon as I thought I'd have to order a new block of Cubed pluck foam for my Thon Music Equipment Flightcase. However, I had a brainwave and used the inserts from the Televue boxes and just made the dividers out of the Cubed Pluck foam that was already in the case when my Hyperions were in there.

Anyway, heres the pic.


Edited by calibos
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Eyepieces arrived in the post yesterday but I didn't think I'd get to post the Eyepiece Case pic so soon as I thought I'd have to order a new block of Cubed pluck foam for my Thon Music Equipment Flightcase. However, I had a brainwave and used the inserts from the Televue boxes and just made the dividers out of the Cubed Pluck foam that was already in the case when my Hyperions were in there.

Anyway, heres the pic.


wow. that must weigh a ton!

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Does the moon fit in your 12mm Rev? The entire disc just fits in mine and it is probably one of the greatest visual experiences I have had during lunar observation!

Hi Adz, finally used the 12T4 with the 250px on the Moon yesterday and yes, it just fits in the FOV. It required a little 'looking around' to see the edge, though. I really love this EP :)

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Good stuff Revs, the 12mm has some great write ups and I miss the adjust feature, but you can't have it all...

Unless you are Calibos!!! Holey moley dude I don't even know where to begin about that collection. Get it insured and make sure you never hint at where you live!

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Eyepieces arrived in the post yesterday but I didn't think I'd get to post the Eyepiece Case pic so soon as I thought I'd have to order a new block of Cubed pluck foam for my Thon Music Equipment Flightcase. However, I had a brainwave and used the inserts from the Televue boxes and just made the dividers out of the Cubed Pluck foam that was already in the case when my Hyperions were in there.

Anyway, heres the pic.


What did it cost you in the end? Did you end up getting stung with import duties? As another member mentioned I would consider getting the contents of that case insured. I did come across an insurer who covers astro gear but it was some time ago and I can't remember where I saw it now.

I agree with Shane that case must weigh heavier than your scope :)

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What did it cost you in the end? Did you end up getting stung with import duties? As another member mentioned I would consider getting the contents of that case insured. I did come across an insurer who covers astro gear but it was some time ago and I can't remember where I saw it now.

I agree with Shane that case must weigh heavier than your scope :(

With regard to Import Duties and VAT, I like to leave it up to fate whether its levied or not. In other words I have never played shennanigans with declared values. All I do is make sure that my orders from the states are shipped via USPS as opposed to a Courier company. Its my understanding that the situation is the same in the UK as it is here in Ireland. ie. That Courier companies customs process packages in-house and thus one is always charged Customs/VAT if its due, but that USPS interface with the Royal Mail in the UK and 'An Post' here in Ireland and that these two ex state owned carriers are much more hit and miss in terms of processing packages. I'd say 3 out of 4 of my packages in the past have escaped customs/Vat in the past.

Anyway, I gave my Aunt no instructions to underdeclare or mess around but it turns out she took it upon herself to under declare the value and marked the package as a Gift. TBH, this probably increased my chances of being charged Customs/VAT as a 'Gift' of such high value (even after being under declared) was sure to draw attention. Indeed, this turned out to be the case and I was levied €208 Customs/VAT. The figure should have been about €600. As soon as my car repayments finish next March I'll be making a donation of the difference to Cancer Research to salve my conscience. ie. I have no problem paying nothing when they fail to levy it but when it is levied and I am not paying what I should, it doesn't sit well with me. I guess my Aunt in the states still thinks of me as her little nephew and thought she was doing me a favour but forgetting that I am now a 37 year old responsible tax paying adult ;)

At the time of order the dollar price converted to Euro was about €2150. Unfortunately, instead of charging my card for everything all at once at the time of order, the retailer in the states charged for each EP individually as it came into stock. The Exchange rate changed in the interim between order and charging, so the final figure ended up being €2300+(Customs/VAT)€208=€2508

I've definitely thought about insurance aswell. The chances of the planets aligning like this again are slim and if I needed to replace them I'd probably pay close to European pricing anyway even if ordering from the states again. 31% worth of discounts and a good exchange rate made all the difference but without them and including shipping the regular US price probably wouldn't be far of European pricing. With that in mind, I'll probably insure the case at European pricing which would be about €4500 for the EP's, €200 for the Howie Glatter Collimator and another €300 for the 2" Polorizing Moon/UHC/0III/H-Beta Filters. So 5000 Euros all in :) Thats mental when you think about it !! :)

Back to the Case. Someone on CN recommended an overlay of Black Satin over the foam. I didn't have any of that and nor did the local craft shop but when I came home I found some Black Baize. I have no idea when or why we ever bought black baize in this house but it turns out that it was just what the doctor ordered. The Cubed Pluck foam dividers I made and the White Televue box foam inserts are still under there with the EP's nestled nice and tightly into them but aesthetically its much nicer now. Shimmery black satin would probably have been OTT


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Wow that is some serious kit you have there! :)

I have finally got round to getting a case for my kit and spent last nights rainy evening sorting out the foam inserts in the case.

Top row consists of: (L to R)

Baader Hyperion Aspheric 36mm

Televue 24mm Panoptic

Televue 13mm T6 Nagler

Televue 3-6mm Nagler Zoom

Televue 2.5x Powermate

Bottom Row: (L to R)

Baader Hyperion 8-24mm Zoom MkIII

Baader Neodymium filter (2") & Lumicon UHC Filter (1.25")

Head torch

Baader Planetarium Sky Surfer V RDF & Bracket.

Still a bit of space available of the inevitable other purchases I have in mind :(

I intend upon replacing the 36mm EP for the 35mm Panoptic at some point and also plan on getting the 7mm T6 Nagler as well. :)

Need to get another case as well to do the same for my imaging kit.....

Edited by MjrTom
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Wow that is some serious kit you have there! :)

I have finally got round to getting a case for my kit and spent last nights rainy evening sorting out the foam inserts in the case.

Top row consists of: (L to R)

Baader Hyperion Aspheric 36mm

Televue 24mm Panoptic

Televue 13mm T6 Nagler

Televue 3-6mm Nagler Zoom

Televue 2.5x Powermate

Bottom Row: (L to R)

Baader Hyperion 8-24mm Zoom MkIII

Baader Neodymium filter (2") & Lumicon UHC Filter (1.25")

Head torch

Baader Planetarium Sky Surfer V RDF & Bracket.

Still a bit of space available of the inevitable other purchases I have in mind :(

I intend upon replacing the 36mm EP for the 35mm Panoptic at some point and also plan on getting the 7mm T6 Nagler as well. :)

Need to get another case as well to do the same for my imaging kit.....

Looking very nice Mark!

A 7mm Nag on abas right now:

U.K. Astronomy Buy & Sell

Also I have just made a thread with my eyepieces in the equipment gallery section which gives an idea of the beast that is the 35mm Pan. might want to check it out:


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Looking very nice Mark!

A 7mm Nag on abas right now:

U.K. Astronomy Buy & Sell

Also I have just made a thread with my eyepieces in the equipment gallery section which gives an idea of the beast that is the 35mm Pan. might want to check it out:


Thanks Adz

The wife has already commented about the number of parcels that have arrived at the house recently so I best reign back the spending for a month or so but I will be getting the 7mm at some point :)

I saw your photo of your case, in fact I was using your photo and others for reference as I have never performed the foam cutting before. After a few moments scratching my head I got it sussed in the end :)

Looks like there will be sufficient space in my case to widen the slot for the 35mm Panoptic when I get the funds (first on the list to purchase)

looking at your case it is 4 foam squares wide by 9 squares long which is only marginally bigger than the 36mm Aspheric. :(

There will also be space for things like collimators and coma correctors when I get the Newtonian later in the year.

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Having just purchased a wee Startravel 80 I can now make use of the metal case I purchased from a car boot sale for all of £4, it already had some foam lining, I just added a foam divider and a foam insert which came from some packing.

Does the job very well for the Startravel on an EQ1, there are no electronics to worry about and only three eyepieces (one is a barlow actually). The left hand compartment contains the tools that came with the Startravel (a screwdriver, spanner, and combi spanner tool thing, embedded in more foam), a foam layer, then the carry strap for the case. The cleaning fluid and small field manual for the telescope just sit loose in the case on top of the eyepieces for now.

Not sure what else I would put in here, but I'm sure there'll be something!

This should be excellent for getting out on the road with my small telescope, now all I need is a similar case for the OTA.


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MC I'm surprised to see you have a 20 Nag sat between the 17 etho and 26 Nag. This thread has been a good read and more so interesting to see how peoples ep collections differ given what scopes they have. For example in my 250PX the 20 Nag would be pointless having because of the 17 ethos. Similar with Calibos's collection, I'm sure it works well with his scope but I think I would find that only half of them were getting used due to the FOV's only being separated by the smallest of margins. Great if you have cash to splash but I would feel the money better spent else where.

Edited by spaceboy
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I agree to some extent with Spaceboy (Nick) but I have e.g. a 13mm Ethos and also 12.5mm BGO, 15mm TV Plossl and 18mm BGO, all of which seem 'outgunned' by the Ethos. However, I find the smaller field and smaller size/weight of the three smaller eyepieces far more convenient and 'appropriate' for planetary / lunar observing in my 6" scope than the Ethos (in fact I hate using the Ethos on the moon).

Where money is tight it's a big decision as you say but you are not losing anything quality wise in my opinion with a narrower field if you buy good quality.

I actually discussed this with MC and agree that it's a different experience looking through different types of eyepiece all of which adds variety to the views.

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I'm in the process of selling my Hyperion's to fund a EP purchase. I was thinking a Nagler 22T4. I was just wondering if anyone has any feedback on these? Or any recommended alternatives?

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