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Galloway Autumn Star Canp 2019

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Woke this morning to a heavy frost. 


I managed 4 hours last night but only noted 20 galaxies. Although clear most of the night the moisture in the atmosphere made viewing a mushy experience at best and most had put the scopes under cover around midnight. 

Unusual to see a military Lockheed C130 doing low flying maneuvers at around half 8 breaking the morning calm coming from the west and climbing over wigtown. Unfortunately I didn't have a camera to hand. 

The campsite is a relaxing sight to wake to and a pleasure to be at away from the hustle and bustle.

Looking forward to tonight which is set to be better. 

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24 minutes ago, estwing said:

Get thee sen up there.

I would but the weather looks great tonight and tomorrow then breaking again with rain forecast for the weekend so there is no point wish I had gone this weekend and stayed until tomorrow.

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Hi Ian,

Busy doing sky things tonight, no time for whiskey tasting....     Hope your car gets fixed asap.... we need you to show how to handle seconds and thirds....

It was a frosty morning, I went to the facilities block at 04:20am this morning and it was white and crunchy, I found my way back to the tent following my footsteps in the frost!!

Busy trying out my new Fornax Light mount with my Olympus OMD - EM1X taking shots using the Composite facilities on the camera shots between 2 to 4 minutes.

Thinking of trying my Canon 100d which has been astro modded.

This morning I went for a 2 hour walk with  Lesley and dog Bud through the local woods, I tripped on a dead branch and hit a soft patch with my head, so no damage done.....

It has been a beautiful day here, Hadyn and Christina arrived at lunchtime and once Hadyn had set up for tonight, we both set off for the Wigton hide to do some birdwatching...that was a complete waste of time as most birds were missing...  we saw one Black Head gull, one Little Egret, one Heron, two Little Grebe and two Mute Swans.

We usually see a lot more there.

Just finished a hot cup of tea and about to go out again for another hour's observing, these clear nights are a killer!!!

Sorry to hear that SGL Star Party at Lucsall is cancelled, as it is a nice campsite and a friendly bunch, but the River Wye is perilously close. Shame I used to enjoy the Hog Roast.

I better get back out....





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Hi Freen’s!!   National forecast is gash for midweek, any better  local forecasts giving me some hope for the journey down?  Please have the Samaritans phone no to hand, 12 months of waiting in anticipation for zero precipitation ...🤞

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Spent all of the early night trying to get polar aligned with little success. Until I found out that my repaired mount control had the menu setting for j2000 switched off by 10 Micron at their factory. Ho hum, 4 months for the repair, new circuit board and reprogramming. After that a pleasure to watch it plate solve each point in under 2 seconds, using Model Maker. Then 4 hours of imaging on the Rossette Nebula finishing just after 0400 hrs. Makes it all worthwhile. 


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Hi Stuart,

Currently viewing a beutiful morning after a good clear night, this is what one drives hundreds of miles for!

The temperature at present is just about freezing. 

With these clear nights I might not have time to drink my whiskey ( or anybody else's for that matter! )

Have a safe journey....


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41 minutes ago, Uplooker said:

Never say never. Conditions can change very either way.

I know. Don't become an astronomer in the UK without eternal optimism and a full bottle of whiskey. I'll still be there,  it'll only be my fourth out of four star parties I've attended where I've barely looked through my telescope 

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Cracking morning, just. Got up to clear skies and sunshine. Most are beavering about doing their chores and getting prepared for another imaging session tonight. Me I'm off to get supplies for a meal, then trying to find out why the blue filter is the only one that recorded unfocused stars. Astrodon PHAA!!!!!! No I don't want that either😞


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