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The inaugural StuPOD, winner announced!


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Look no further for the winner is right here !

Note the subtle use of various advanced processing techniques of my own creation. These have enabled me to extract, nay 'tease' the last bits of finer detail that have alluded so many lesser skilled exponents.

Now I don't want to be deluged with request so I'm disabling my PMs for a few days until the furore blows over.

Ladies and Gentlemen feast your eyes on the most detailed picture of the 2015 solar eclipse to date. I will of course be marketing signed copies via FLO with various meet & greet opportunities at astronomical events throughout the year. I shall await the sponsorship deal with Lunt and Samsung and hope to collaborate on may more rare jewels such as this in the near future.




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I thought it was either Phobos or Demos Simon, but nay, you forsook both of those easy targets, for the much more
difficult one, this STUpendous solar blackout event. If I could shift Stu. out of the Chairman of the Vote system, with the Committee of one.
I would be hanging the Medal on your chest mate, by proxy of course.
In the best likeness I can muster of the Late Frank Carson    " It's a Cracker"

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1 minute ago, RWB said:

What's a threepenny bit ????  :iamwithstupid:

Regards     Robin

Old money that poor children got in their Christmas pud, rich kids got silver sixpences , all banned now of course by elf & safety.

Dave :icon_santa:

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1 hour ago, barkis said:

Oy!, some of these images are for too good to appear under this topic.
The excellent rotten Images are now being  being diluted with APOD  quality. What the hell is going on here?
I was hoping I could win a competition like this, now the pot hunters have infiltrated,
and my hopes of the rottenest picture of the year has been sabotaged.
Not happy, and I'm now stamping my feet in my computer room. and the Wife has just shouted up and bollocked me, as the Xmas baubles have
all fell off. I don't know where she's been hanging them, we ain't got a Xmas Tree.
So c'mon guys, crappy Images only here, there's other place you can show off  :hmh::hmh::hmh::hmh::hmh::hmh::hmh:.

Bad language and religion all in one post? There are children participating. Me! ???

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1 minute ago, RWB said:

What's a threepenny bit ????  :iamwithstupid:

Regards     Robin

It is an old English coin of the realm, looked much like the modern Pound coin of today.
and of course it was worth three whole Penny's.
Go on, ask me  what's a Penny. In case you will, It's a Third of a Threepenny bit and round and a lot larger.:icon_biggrin:

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19 minutes ago, Spikey said:

Look no further for the winner is right here !

Note the subtle use of various advanced processing techniques of my own creation. These have enabled me to extract, nay 'tease' the last bits of finer detail that have alluded so many lesser skilled exponents.

Now I don't want to be deluged with request so I'm disabling my PMs for a few days until the furore blows over.

Ladies and Gentlemen feast your eyes on the most detailed picture of the 2015 solar eclipse to date. I will of course be marketing signed copies via FLO with various meet & greet opportunities at astronomical events throughout the year. I shall await the sponsorship deal with Lunt and Samsung and hope to collaborate on may more rare jewels such as this in the near future.




Gets my vote (if we had one) :grin:

Dave :icon_santa:

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4 minutes ago, Davey-T said:

Old money that poor children got in their Christmas pud, rich kids got silver sixpences , all banned now of course by elf & safety.

Dave :icon_santa:

Don't remember threepenny bits but I can easily remember THRUPENNY  bits 

And silver ones at that            Yes I am that old :help:


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Here is my picture of the transit of Venus. It was taken with my Galaxy S5 through my friends ED80 with Bader solar film at the Astrocamp star party in May. I normally do DSO imaging and was quite impressed with the results using a smart phone at the eye piece.



Mercury Transit .jpg

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2 hours ago, mikeDnight said:

Bad language and religion all in one post? There are children participating. Me! ???

Then you watch yourself having your Xmas Pud. on Xmas Day, don't want any child choking on a Threepenny bit, or probably a pound coin in today's 
money. I find lots of coinage on the ground, usually outside our local Spar shop, I'm sure the youngsters chuck coins below a quid on the deck
as being worthless. I give them to the good lady, who puts them in a Bucket. Going toward another Qashqai.  I hope, It might have to be a Juke though.
May get the car in around 2025.


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Gentlemen. May I remind you of the rules. The only judge on the panel is ME, and I was elected by a unanimous vote. Any attempts to influence the vote will be dealt with accordingly, and with severe consequences (although I've yet to think what that might be! :))

I will judge the competition without interference and, should I decide that I'm the winner again, then so be it ;).

Given the high quality of entrants since the inaugural winner, I shall announce tomorrow's winner in the morning, images up until midnight will be considered.


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I am very happy to submit an A-focal Saturn, i dont remember when i took it or what equipment was used, vague recollection of it being A-focal, more than likely single shot, i also found an image of a small pale blue/white object but i cant name it and i dont have a clue what it is so it would be a null and void entry


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1 minute ago, nightfisher said:

 so it would be a null and void entry

I think it would be very much in the spirit of the contest, I say post it but we must of course defer to our self appointed judge. 

28 minutes ago, Stu said:

Calvin, I think that's the last place it should be!! :) 

There's coffee on my keyboard now after reading that. 

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3 hours ago, RWB said:

Don't remember threepenny bits but I can easily remember THRUPENNY  bits 

And silver ones at that            Yes I am that old :help:


I used to get a thrupenny bit every Saturday morning for spending money until I was 6yrs old, then I got sixpunce. Today that would be two and a half New pence. With that I'd rush round to my local paper shop which had a big cardboard box full of toys for boys. I'd kneel for a good half hour in front of that box, rummaging through heaps of rubber spiders, pea shooters and plastic spectacles with big plastic noses attached. Everything that a 6 to 9 year old needed for survival, especially as there were only two other boys in the area. The rest of my friends were girls and we made their lives pretty miserable. I think I single handedly kept that paper shop in business until i was nine years old, when some sicko introduced new money, which for some reason seemed to bring my reign of terror to an abrupt end. I can honestly say that with Xmas puds, sixpunces pass easily through the digestive tract where as 50p pieces just smash your teeth to bits.


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Ladies and Gentlemen,

After due consideration, and probably a bottle of wine, I have the following re definition of the rules to inform you of:

1) The image must be taken by yourself (although not strictly 'by yourself', obviously you are allowed company at the time)

2) The image must be taken using a smartphone

3) It must involve fumbling around at the eyepiece of a telescope, just using a smartphone to take a picture of solar haloes is a little too easy ;) (sorry Ant and Calvin)

4) I will attempt to judge daily but that may be a little labour intensive and depending on volume of entries the frequency will vary. Don't complain please.

5) I reserve this rule for anything I think of in future

6) Entry is via posting in this thread

7) Any prestige gained by winning the award is questionable.


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This represents the, erm, pinnacle of my attempts at astro imaging.  You can see why I stick to pure visual, but have enormous respect for the skill and dedication involved in doing it all properly :icon_mrgreen:

Ladies and gentlemen: behold - the Moon!!



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