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Perseids tonight 11-12 August


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Just turned in after a pretty good session near Walton-on-Thames. Plenty seen over the course of 2.5 hours, including quite a few very bright ones with trails. Best I've seen for quite some time.

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I've just got home from my local dark site, as I have to get for work tomo......later!

Saw some fantastic big ones, in fact I saw the biggest meteor I've ever seen tonight, so happy with that.

Nice to see a couple of other watchers, so safety in numbers and all that!

I have loads of photos to trawl through so hopefully I got lucky and maybe caught a couple.

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At last a shower that lived up to expecations!!

I was taking advantage of a dark night to browse a few DSO's. So wasn't really concentrating on Persids except during a few mins here and there when I just sat back and watched the show. I've seen more prolific showers, but there seemed to be more big smokey ones this time. Anybody else think this?

And I was in T shirt and shorts (accessorised with thick Wellington boots - it is the UK after all)!!!!


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Beautiful skies over Bembridge last night, with the milky way clearly visible  after moonset.     First attempt at video with my ASI224MC and the factory supplied fisheye lens - not a great deal of action early on with, but livened up around 1-2am.  I left the camera and latop recording all night at 2s exposures so some 15GB of data to plough through.    At first glance there's some decent trails, but lots more planes and satellite trails.    Think I just missed an ISS pass while setting up.

Most surprised at how nicely the ASI accentuates star colour - not obvious last night as the capture preview is not debayered.     I also got a huge reduction in noise with firecaptures on the fly dark frame subtraction (average of 10 frames) - no discernible affect on performance at such low frame rates.

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Out between 10 and 11:30 last night here in Southampton. Not a lot of Persied action to be honest (Sattelites - 13, Persieds - 3), although from comments I may have been luckier had I been out later, but have work today! Might have another go tonight, if clear!

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3 hours ago, Paul73 said:

At last a shower that lived up to expecations!!

I was taking advantage of a dark night to browse a few DSO's. So wasn't really concentrating on Persids except during a few mins here and there when I just sat back and watched the show. I've seen more prolific showers, but there seemed to be more big smokey ones this time. Anybody else think this?

And I was in T shirt and shorts (accessorised with thick Wellington boots - it is the UK after all)!!!!


Totally agreed Paul, not that frequent, but I don't think I've seen so many big bright ones with trails on the same night before. Well worth watching, and got better once the moon set.

EDIT Pah, you northern softie, I was in flip flops ;) 

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Glad some folks saw it! I was clouded out but it looks like it might have cleared early enough if I had ignored the forecast!

Still I've see a dozen or more over the build up, half of which were going the wrong way, and I saw about 40 in 12 August last year!

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Kicking myself good 'n' propper.

Dave you're a berk what are you? (Don't answer, I know).

I was so totally focused on getting to grips with my new mount that I completely forgot about the Perseids. D'oh, argh!

Mind you, with looking at two monitors I had pretty much no night vision.

Oh yes, ASA need lessons on manual writing.

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I watched from Cornwall for 90 minutes from roughly 11:35pm, and counted 50 meteors - mostly Perseids, plus a handful of sporadics. Some of the Perseids were wonderfully bright, and traversed much of the sky.

I reluctantly called it a night shortly after 1.00am, as I needed to up for 6:30am, but was very pleased with the observations - especially given the amount of drifting cloud, and the fact that I couldn't see half the sky due to obstructions.

Regards, Mike.

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