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Howdy y'all (from Texas! ;)


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Total beginner here (not just a beginner, but a newbie beginner! lol).  I stumbled onto this site while looking for resources that might help me fix a broken telescope, and all I've got to say is "Wow!".  This looks like one of the friendliest, best run communities on the interweb.  :smile:  A half-day of browsing, and I've already discovered so many things I can't wait to explore - Lunar 100, Messier list, Herschel 400... I know I'm still at ground zero, but I can't wait to dive in!  (By the end of the day I expect to know what the Dob Mob is! ;)

I live about half way between Dallas and the OK boarder, when we first moved back out to the "peace and quiet" 18 years ago (after living in the city for years) I was amazed to remember how dark it got and how many stars there were up in the sky!!  Now, all the grow around us has contributed mightily to the light pollution, but we're not in too bad a spot (I hope!).  The kids (2 teenagers) just got out of school for summer vacation, so I'm hoping to get this telescope fixed - not just for my own enjoyment, but I plan on giving them a "Lunar 100/Messier Challenge" to keep them busy and "challenged" during their free time.  :wink2:

I'll poke around a lot more before I post anything (so much to learn!), but if anybody wanted to point me in the right direction as far as the best place to post for possible help/info on fixing my Meade - focus knob came loose 10 minutes into first use, nothing major - I'd be greatly appreciative.

Thanks, cheers!

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Hi DBizzle,

 Glad you found the forum. Plenty of info here. Just ask away. There will be members here who can help with the Meade. Just let them know what bit and the model exactly.

Have fun.


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Hi DBizzle and welcome to SGL, your nice kind comments in the first few sentences of your intro, covers us very well. We have a strict code of practice and a very good supporting Management Team that keeps everything in place, that has proved to work very well over the years and long may it continue to do so.

A few more details about your scope and the faulty part would be helpful, then post into the section "Getting started help and advice" may prove to be a little helpful. Enjoy your Astronomy and the forum :)

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Thank you!  I've got a Meade ETX-80AT-BB (I'll get out of the vacuum soon and put it in the sig! :-)

Nothing fancy, but I got a good deal on it from a neighbor and it was never used - literally unboxed it myself.  Set it up and toyed with it the first time, and got just enough looks at the moon to get that "oh WOW!" feeling before the focus know fell apart.  ($!#@*)

No warranty, unfortunately, so I wanted to see if it's something I can fix myself (pretty handy!) before I consider whether to spend the $ for repairs (or put it toward even better equipment?).

Just finished tweaking some pics of it, I'll have a post up in "Beginners Equipment" in the next hour or so.

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