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Hi, just finally checking in again...


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Hi All,

I signed up last April 1 2015, but didn't have but a spotting scope and a DSLR with telephoto lenses. I managed to find Orion's Nebula in January of 2015 with the 60X spotting scope and I was hooked.

So I pondered diving into Astronomy. April 18th 2015 I pulled the trigger on my best list for the quest.

I've spent the better part of my time since learning, finding, fixing, and photographing the night skies.

So here I am back. Tottering along with my Astrophotography.

I will usually be trying to image any night that is clear here, which seems to be a lot. I am near the Mohave Desert edge, in Northern Los Angeles County.

I have a nitch in my back yard I call The Sleepy Dog Observatory (After my little buddy who likes to hang out with me) where I have my Celestron AVX mount set up most of the time, and I add my 80 mm telescope to. Then I set up my laptop, hook up the harness, and do my alignment. Once I am on target with an object, I will usually come inside and monitor/control with my desktop computer. It's warmer in the winter, and close to the hot chocolate. ;^)

I do a little bit of visual as well, but the camera can blindly stare into space and collect more light than my tired 66 year old eyes can. And suddenly...

Pop! There appears a Nebula on my screen! (Hopefully. If I got a good alignment, and my timing was long enough.)

My preference is doing One Shot Color imaging, and only enough post processing to remove the hot pixels from my camera. An Orion G3 Color CCD. I enjoy the challenges, and all the advantages today's mounts and telescopes can give us. I also enjoy making time lapse video of the night skies and the wonders I've found there.


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Holy Mazola, Thank You for the warm welcome Everybody! :^)

I'm still trying to figure out how I might fit in here. Is there an amateur-Star-Geezer-with-equipment-over-his-head classification? I think I might fit in somewhere in that box. Or a blind mouse that sometimes gets some cheese? That may describe me. :icon_biggrin:

I hope to contribute to Star Gazers Lounge from my experience and adventures with modern star gazing from the Back Garden aspect.

I still haven't quite figured out how, or if, I can list my equipment in a signature so anyone interested can see what I'm working with. In the meanwhile, I have a Celestron AVX mount, an Orion ED80T CF telescope, an Orion G3 CCD camera, an SSAG/50 mm (Orion Magnificent Mini) guiding camera, and some other items I felt would get me into my passion for Deep Space Nebula. I just love that stuff!

For the most part, I can't see what I'm aiming at until the camera downloads. But I keep working at it. A LOT has changed since April of 2015!

Anyway, Thanks again!

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Click on your name, then Profile. Look for the Edit Profile on the right. You'll find many things you can edit - including Signature. That should take care of it. When done - click on Save, or whatever it says these days. The forum just underwent a major update, so please bear with me here! :D

As for the rest - we all learn from each other here. So have no fear of being new. Unlike many forums I know of, we are quite nice and open - with no 'trolling' or 'flame-wars' which many have encountered out on the web. And we love questions and helping to find answers - in all the myriad realms that is 'astronomy.'



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