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Hello from the Valleys


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Hi all, just thought I would say what a great forum this appears to be. I am only just getting into stargazing as a hobby as in the past I've always been living in the big cities and thought it would not be as good an experience. Now that I'm living in a more rural setting the time seems right.

I will warn you all now that the only thing I know is that I know nothing except that I want to learn, so I can assure you all I will be be bugging the hell out you :icon_biggrin:

Cant wait to get started and looking at all the advice regarding best equipment to start with.

Cheers all


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Hi Dave,

In addition to advice on equipment you will receive here, my only advise would be to attend some observing sessions at local Astronomical Societies, to actually look at and through different scopes "before" making a decision to buy. This will help you to chose the right gear for you, and help you avoid the headache of trying to offload undesirable equipment at a loss.

And welcome to SGL !


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Hi Dave and welcome to the forum. Please don' hesitate to ask questions as they arise and to post them in the appropriate section - there's plenty of help here to get you up and running!

Clear skies and hope you enjoy your stay here.

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Hi Dave, and welcome from me here in Swindon.  I have often driven through Risca, the only problem is that you have a low horizon in some directions, but I am sure you will find some pretty good dark areas close by.  I love the valley road where you live, it's beautiful.  You are very lucky.  Good luck with stargazing!

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