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Hello From Fife


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Hi all from Fife

I have finally registered having read this forum and its various threads for quite a while. I have found it very informative and the members seem extremely helpful. It has helped me progress from a £50 cheap telescope from Lidl !!!(Well we all have got to start somewhere no matter how misguided initially) to an astrophotography setup. Unfortunately it has also inspired me to lighten my wallet also.

Hope to be able to learn further and contribute as well

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Hi Mike and welcome to the forum. If you feel the need to lighten your wallet with regards to astrophotography, there are plenty here who will lend you a hand!  :icon_biggrin: The main thing is to take your time and do the research and to that end you have come to the right place. Lots of great imagers on here who will gladly advise you and who can get you up and running in no time.

Clear skies and hope you enjoy your stay here.

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Hi Mike and welcome to SGL, I am afraid Astrophotography does tend to thin the wallet somewhat, but Hey look at the enjoyment, frustration and headaches, you are going to get in return for your cash :D enjoy the forum :)

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  • 3 months later...

Good ol' thread revival here, see your from fife my friend. Have you been in contact with any local groups/observation parties etc ? ... Would be interested myself to get involved when im home from work and meet some people who have been at this longer than me! 


Dont be affraid to get in touch and clear skies.

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