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I wish FLO's humour wasn't so dry sometimes!


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I'm waiting for the fully automatic version.

I'm waiting for the ATOMIC version that has to be the ultimate tool for the job !!!  :evil:  :evil:  :grin:  :grin:  :grin:

I know and I have got me coat  ;- cheers everybody


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Kindly take said gun up t north. Im down south but julia (wife) has just told me even the normally ok roads are getting flooded its rained so much all day.

Sent from my iPhone so excuse the typos!

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About as useful as a chocolate teapot I'm afraid.

This is like the "1000 times magnification" scopes you see in department stores.

For a start there's not enough aperture, and AA's are no good, it will need a pretty good Powertank or mains adapter.

I'd save up your money for the K-Tel version.....


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Ah yes - would be nice :D  I don't think the pick-up would be big enough to carry that but I would have another problem - I don't have a launch vehicle available.  Pity :D  Then there would be the finance...  No, I'm afraid I'll have to give that one a miss :happy6:

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Ah yes - would be nice :D  I don't think the pick-up would be big enough to carry that but I would have another problem - I don't have a launch vehicle available.  Pity :D  Then there would be the finance...  No, I'm afraid I'll have to give that one a miss :happy6:

Then '3D Print One' it should be feasible. ;)

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