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Aw c'mon, gimme a break...

Mr Spock

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I feel the same. Although I got a somewhat enjoyable session the other day, the transparency was poor and I'm not forecast any clear skies for some time now... That and all the transparency predictions for the last 2 months have been COMPLETELY WRONG. It always predicts either "Very good" or "Excellent" but it is nearly always "good" or "Moderate" in reality.

The cloud predictions are somewhat more accurate... that's saying something.

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Trick is:- Don't believe it.

You may find there are spell of clarity, there are enough reports of cloud when everything reports clear.

Posted in the weather one that I now read them almost for the amusement.

Last week here the forecast I read said sunny for the afternoon, it rained, actually rained heavily, the time between me reading this and afternoon was 4-6 hours. So if the forecast is not accurate for 6 hours ahead there is really no point in any of them.

I bet the Met Office is using an old PC for the forecast and the super computer is for games.

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I sympathise. Over the twelve nights of my Christmas hols I had ZERO clear nights except for last night, when it cleared around 11pm just as I was turning in before my first day back at work. Aaaargh!

Same here, i had a nice long holiday, the only time i spotted clear skies i set up the 150 mak, went indoors for a couple of ep`s came back out to find the mak being rained on!, it was this final straw that has lead me to cutting down on my scopes

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No cloud, but lousy 'Seeing' conditions out here for me. Although I guess that for some less fortunate LP polluted folk would be regarded as best in a lifetime viewing.



(ps, I'll pop down to the rock pools and take a few pics of the Crabs for you) ;) ;)

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Yes Swithin - I've hardly got going yet, but in the meantime I'm building up a collection of EPs and trying to learn lots of theory!  Also making a reserve battery pack for the 'scope which I can just plug in if I ever get the chance to run the onboard set down.  (Too much trouble putting 8 new units in that holder in the dark, I guess.)

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To my surprise when I went to bed last night it was wonderfully clear, contrary to forecast, and transparent after the rain. Had I spotted this earlier I definitely would have gone out with my 'grab and go' setup for a quick view. I think my observing from now on will comprise military style tactical grab and go 'observing raids' between the clouds. :)

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These last couple of mornings have been pretty clear so as I leave home for work I can see Jupiter, the Moon and Venus very clearly. I think it's getting a bit bright to see Mars (Which Stellarium tells me should be visible) and Saturn is well down on the horizon.

Still, it's given me a lift at a dopey / low point of the morning.

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DaveS - managed a quick look at Jupiter this morning - nice clear image, plus three moons - until the clouds rolled in.  But still the bands look grey!  I'm beginning to doubt the thing actually has any colour!  (Mag. between x47 and x214.)

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I've figured it out!!!!!

A clear night always occurs about 3- 4 days from whenever you check? - On Saturday I looked at ClearSkies and it said Tuesday would be good. Its Tuesday now and it says Friday will be good :embarrassed:

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