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Cygnus Complex Nebula (12 Panel Mosaic Hst Palette)

Aggelos Kechagias

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This is a 12 panel mosaic that i made with a simple nikon 50mm lens and atik 428ex ccd mono camera. I have also take oiii and sii with a sigma 20mm lens to avoid the mosaic on these filters.

I made the mosaic through photoshop's photomerge.

Hope you like it.


Location : Filippaioi Grevenon - Greece
Constellation : Cygnus
Telescope : Nikon lens 50mm at f/4 & Sigma 20mm (oiii-sii)
CCD : Atik 428ex
Temperature of ccd : -10 celcius
Mount : Synta Eq6
Guided : Orion finder guider scope
Focal Reducer/Flattener : -
Image scale : 18.68 arcsec/pixel
Field of view: 10.03° x 7.54°
Filters : 2" Baader 
Filter Wheels : Manual bs astro (4 filters) 
Sub-exposures : 
Ha bin 1x1 2x900sec x 12 panel mosaic
Oiii bin 1x1 10x900sec
Sii bin 1x1 10x900sec 
Calibration frames : Darks - Flats -Bias
Calibration : Maxim DL 5.24
Capture : Nebulosity 3
Process : Photoshop CS6
Tracking : Eqmod


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That's a total beauty, well done! I'm amazed by only two Ha subs per pane as well - that isn't very much data, yet it looks great on my iPad. How is it full size on a proper monitor? Lovely processing too, the colours are very subtle and tasty!

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Wow I certainly have never seen Cygnus looking like this. It certainly is pretty. Just one thing though is that just maybe a bit of processing error around the right edge of the North American? The slightly green area seems to have what looks like a blur to it, but still really amazing image sir.

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