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Total Newbie says hello


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Hi there

I've just received a Celestron 114EQ telescope for my Christmas pressie!  My hubby knows I've been hankering after a telescope for years and he's finally bought one for me - what a wonderful man he is.

I have a lot of enthusiasm and absolutely no knowledge of how to set up the equipment so please bear with me whilst I ask questions more suited to a 5 year old :)

Anyway, I'm very excited and am waiting for the cloud cover to break so I can see if the night sky outside my house actually does match the Stellarium pictures on my screen . . . . . . 

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Hi Skywise :) Welcome to the Lounge.

You have entered into a fantastic pastime, and the questions will come thick and fast to you. ;)

Just ask away, the good folks on here, love helping out, and no question is deemed 'stupid' , the thing to remember is we all started the same, so we've all been there. ;)

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I have a lot of enthusiasm and absolutely no knowledge of how to set up the equipment so please bear with me whilst I ask questions more suited to a 5 year old :)

That is unfair.

5 year olds ask some really sneeky questions.

I know I have been on the receiving end of quite a few.

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Hi Skywise and welcome to the forum. No problem here with asking questions as that is the way to learn and improve your skills and knowledge - we've all been there and some of us are still there! :grin: The only daft question is the one you don't ask so pick a relevant section and ask away when the need arises.

Clear skies and hope you enjoy your stay.

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Hi Skywise and welcome to SGL. Using a manual scope means you will have to come to terms with becoming familiar with the night sky. A planisphere, Stellarium and a copy of the book Turn Left @ Orion should help you on your way. A pair of binoculars, for those quick moments, while the sky is clear, are also handy to have. Engage your husband in the activities, there is nothing like having a partner to share with you. Any future problems, post you inquiries into the relevant sections of the forum, where you should receive the appropriate help and advice, enjoy :icon_santa:  

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Hello Skywise, welcome to SGL. Have questions? Ask away, that's why we are here.

No question is too dumb and the reason that we may have the answer to any particular question is because we had all probably once been baffled by the same thing.

Enjoy your time here and again, welcome to SGL


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