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The True extent of the Pacman ........NGC281 in mono


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I have always found this target to be flat and uninteresting - It is normally represented as just a shape coming out of the darkness of space with next to nothing of interest around it.

As there was a full moon I decided to train my imaging train onto a nice bright nebula and see what I could find - Really hunt down some fain detail. It must be there, right? But in a full moon environment I was on a hiding to nothing really ... I suppose :)

I'll let you decide for yourself if you think I've captured the faint stuff. Let me know if you've ever seen it before as well. As the Pacman is part of a much larger giant molecular cloud (GMC) I wonder if I've actually managed to capture that detail.


M: Avalon Linear Fast Reverse

T: Takahashi FSQ85 0.73x

C: QSI690-wsg with 3nm Ha filter

33x2700s in Ha - A total of 33 hours of total exposure in 45 minute subs.


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There she goes again, upping the anti, just when we all thought it was safe...! 45minute subs hey, rock on! And yes, there is most definitely a great deal of faint stuff going on in there. Though I'm afraid your maths is sub O-Level standard. What is 33 x 3/4?!

Does this image dispel the theory that 3 subs of 15 minutes gives the same image as 1 sub of 45 minutes? Was that even a theory anyway?!

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I doubt I've taken 33 hours in the total of all my images!!

Even on my uncalibrated work monitor, I can see oodles of detail in the bottom and around the main 'edge' of the usual shape.

Fantastic detail Sara!

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You never fail to impress Sara :)

The detail here is absolutely solid and not stretched so much that it becomes a noise hazard ! Wonderful rolling clouds and a background just as I like it. Full of " Stuff ".

Another success,


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The faint stuff has all the look of being genuine to me and not a gradient. Very hard to know when you're in uncharted faintness! I think this is the real stuff of AP, not just returning to what's known but digging out the dimmest. Wonderful.

I know you're very PI these days, Sara, but I'd beg you to do the bright parts of the Pacman as a layer in PS and bring back the contrasts.

Oh God, I bet Harry will see this and then I'll be in for it!


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Yes this really looks like the real thing to me and no, I've never seen the faint parts around Pacman like this. I did a quick search on the web and found one inverted imgae that showed hints of the outer parts but nothing close to what you accompished. Great shot Sara!


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Thanks all.

@Olly - PI? Me? Are you having a laugh? This is all PS!! :D why would you think that?

A grovelling apology has been sent via our private correspendence and I hope that S has not excommunicated me for this gaff!

I would ease down the brightness of the brightest bits though, to restore their contrasts. The outlying regions I have certainly never seen before on the net.


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