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What Astronomy Forums do you frequent?


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So, other that here at the Stargazers Lounge, what Astronomy forums do people frequent?

Until last year, I was only a member of the Society for Popular Astronomy forum. Then after Comet Panstarrs C/2011 in March/April 2013, I had a look around, and found the Lounge, The International Astronomy Forum that can be found here...


...and the Astronomy Shed forum found here...


I find here at the Lounge to usually get the most replies to any topics I post, but I like to use these four forums to cover the bases, even if it's just the simple stuff I might post about.

So, what forums do you like to visit, and do you go elsewhere as well? What resources are we all using, or can folks recommend to others?


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Cloudy Night and SGL.

Did look at Astronomny Shed but the idea that you have to sigh in to see anything seems negative so I gave up with it. I find I want to see what has transpired in a post first before I do anything.

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SGL, Solarchat and I have the occasional look at Cloudy Nights. No time left for any more.  :smiley:

90% SGL

5% CN

5% Solarchat

(Sometimes UKAI, sometimes the video forum, and lookin on the ATIK support forum)

Although this varies a little, virtually all my ramblings about development and ideas is centred here as it seems to be the hub of development with JamesF, Paul, krno, etc all keeping their eyes out. Also I know for a fact that Craig Stark and Software Bisque have frequented here too - not surprising considering the footprint.

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SGL only for me, I don't have the time for any others. When I was searching for an astronomy forum originally I looked at Cloudy Nights and Pop-astro in addition to SGL but found SGL to be the most congenial.

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I'm a beginner and I mainly use SGL but I'm also registered with Astronomy Forum. I'll also dip into other forums if they come up when I do a search for information. So much to learn and so little time to learn it in.

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This one - because it's big and there's always something of interest going on

UKAI - smaller membership but a friendly atmosphere, all about imaging.

PAIG - I browse but don't contribute much, look at the images is all.

Trying to be an active member of many forums absorbs too much time, so I just have those top two on my regular list.


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Mainly SGL. I do look in on the Cloudy nights forums and a number of the Yahoo Groups, such as "60mm Telescope Group", "Antique Telescope Society", "Telescope Observing Chair", "Telementor", and "Questar Group" to name a few. There are many more for specific interests, such as SCT's etc.

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I chat on a number for forums but if I want a quick answer to something I always come on here as I know so many people frequent this forum.

I like Astronomy shed because of the mini chat facility which means I have some-one to "talk to" in the early hours when I am up imaging and every-one else is in bed except us crazy astronomers.  

My local Astro group forum




Astronomy Shed

Inside Astronomy

Astronomy Forum

DDA on Facebook

Some of the above I don't use on a regular basis though.  


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